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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Goredho

  1. 16 hours ago, Zavala said:


    Anyway, thank God for Herb Hand because the ball moves when the OL does their fucking jobs. Great work by the OL as well. They really should always be the leaders of the team. As a position group, they must work together to be successful, and we ain't gonna win without em.


    Agreed.  Shitty line == shitty offense.  Its amazing how much better the QB, RBs, WRs and play callers look when the OL plays average-to-good.

    • Like 1
  2. I think both parties look like dogshit in this.  The Republicans obviously want to get the seat filled before the midterms.  The Dems obviously want to delay it until after the midterms.  Kavanaugh the SC nominee, Ford his accuser of sexual assault and whatever happened while they were at that party 30+ years ago are incidental to the above concerns.  Throwing out the SC seat and politics, what has been produced that corroborates Ford's story that Kavanaugh sexually assaunted her?  What makes this more than a 30 year old he-said, she-said?

    • Like 4
  3. 3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I think this meeting is bullshit noise pollution to distract from Dr. Ford (if that even goes down) Thursday.

     Trump can’t fire anyone face to face. 

     Rosenstein ain’t taking any shit.  

     Today’s Rod developments were just to give Trump a high profile media narrative he can control.  

     Because he has completely lost control with Kavanaugh.

    Maybe, like I say, Thursday will be interesting :D

  4. Yep, Trump is freaked the fuck out.  We are near an end game -- possibly of our democracy if the GOP allow everything to go down and/or we don't wind up with shared power between the parties after the midterms.  This may wind up being the most important vote in US history.

    • Like 1
  5. A few thoughts.

    1.  I believe Trump would fire Rosenstein and squash the special counsel investigation if he thought he could get away with it.
    2.  I'm convinced that the content of the two NYT bombshells are attempts to create the context where he can.
    3.  Trump acting against Rosenstein/Mueller after an election where one or both houses of congress is controlled by democrats is more dangerous for him than before the election where both houses are controlled by republicans
    4.  Trump has more leverage over the rest of the GOP while the supreme court seat is in play.  If Trump goes banana republic, the rest of the GOP has to consider how acting against him might delay indefinitely the appointment of the vacated SC seat and whether or not a conservative justice even gets to occupy it.
    5. The window where Trump could possibly take direct action against Rosenstein and Mueller and have any hope of getting away with it is closing.

    The outcome of Thursday's meeting between Trump and Rosenstein will be interesting.

  6. Alright, everybody, give out your game balls.  Here are mine.

    1.  The entire fucking secondary:  Kris Boyd notwithstanding, you guys ran a football train on TCU’s quarterback.  Seeing Robinson crying, curled up in the fetal position, with his mascara and worse smeared all over his face was extremely satisfying and a little scary.  #brazzers  #HimToo #Next #DBU #NoHomo

    2.  Caden Stearns in particular: You are a fudged scoop and a tippy-toe step away from having scored in consecutive weeks on special teams and defense.  You are damn good already, but learn how to finish that shit and you’ll leave here with one of these bad boys:


    3.  Colin Johnson:  John-son, John-son; Six-foot-six weighs a fucking ton; Opponents beware, opponents beware; He’s coming, he’s coming, he’s coming...  Way to play as big as your frame.  I didn’t watch any other games yesterday, but I am willing to bet you had the highlight of the day.

    4. Chris Nelson:  Loves QBs and RBs— for breakfast.  Rub that belly, big guy, you earned your feast.

    5. Sam Ehlinger:  I’ll tell you what, you can go ahead and just keep the ball from any game where you don’t give it to the other team.  Deal?  Good.

    6. Tom Herman:  You are an asshole, not nearly as smart as you think you are and succeeding in spite of your OC.  But dammit, you have Texas playing good football, deservedly ranked and — dare I say it — back? Fuck no, not yet.  But good job this week nonetheless.

    • Like 3
  7. On 9/20/2018 at 7:41 PM, pacman said:

    He never had anything to do qith NWA. He formed Death Row Records with Dre, after Dre left NWA. I never understood why Dre brought him in either, since it never seemed like he brought anything to the table.

    Good riddance.

    Suge got Dre out of his contract with EazyE/Jerry Heller/Ruthless Records where Dre was making pennies on the dollar that he would make with Death Row.  Dre was an employee of RR but became a part owner of Death Row with Suge.


    5 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    The older shooter would seem to have an argument that he was being threatened and standing his ground.  in Texas you can stand your ground as long as you have a right to be where you are standing.  We can’t see what was occurring in the last seconds.  The younger shooter looks to fire at a point that isn’t protecting himself but rather trying to finish off the soon-to-be dead guy.

    Agree with this take.  The old guy with the pistol was calm and depending on what happened in those two seconds might have been justified in shooting.  I don’t think the young guy could have been.

  9. On 9/14/2018 at 4:23 AM, Goredho said:

    I am really starting to believe the op/ed was a plant. The author didn't say anything negative about Trump that wasn't already out there.  What was new/shocking was the revelation of a collective within the government working to actively subvert the President.  A deep-state by any other name.  This revelation was laced with trigger words and phrases for the Trump base like 'resistance' and 'deep state' and fits the narrative of Trump being victimized by those that don't want to see him MAGA.  And Trump has only very tepidly attempted to discredit the op/ed's validity or control perception in its wake.  Contrast that to how he has rallied people to attack the assertions of Woodward's book.  His MO is to attack, deny and discredit vehemently until he has no other option.  But not so much here.

    The more I consider the op/ed, the more a question keeps popping up in my head:  If the President is such a danger to America that you as a senior staff member would work behind the scenes to thwart his intentions, why on earth would you publicize that?  Putting the governmental 'resistance' into the spotlight only alerts and embarrasses the President to act.  It makes you or others working similarly more likely to be discovered and replaced by someone supportive of the President.  It makes your efforts to protect America much less likely to succeed.  So why do it?  I can't think of any good, logical answer for that.

    I believe it more likely that the op/ed was carefully crafted for some other purpose and planted with the NYT by someone who could plausibly have authored it.  The question then becomes what could the op/ed's other purpose of be?  Lets return to the big reveal of the piece.  Who could benefit from the belief that there is a real, no-shit shadow-state in the government that is working against the President, sabotaging his efforts to lead and effectively undermining his election?  

    Donald J Trump

    If that shadow-state is real, or enough people believe it to be so, then he would be justified in dismantling it.  Expect to see that notion reinforced and acted upon at some point.  Expect it be used as the basis for Trump to carry out a political purge.  Expect it to be used to target people like Sessions, Rosenstein and anyone else who doesn't completely kowtow to Trump's authority.  Expect it to be used in an attempt to end Mueller's investigation.

    That scenario is at least logical.  Diabolical, but logical.


    Going to bump this back up in light of the new bombshell from the NYT and the clamor from the right to fire Rosenstein.  Anyone want to get on the purge bandwagon yet?

  10. 2 hours ago, Stunns38 said:


    Did he hang you over a balcony ala Vanilla Ice and Johnny Drama? Lulz. I was just restating what my LA family said. I guess in his old age, he may have softened up thus the “punk”reference. My buddy works in Marquee in Vegas where Suge was a regular there and he always said he was super cool. Oh well, Thug Life catches up to you one way or another.


    not quite, but it was a scenario in which you just take your lumps.  another guy there at the time didn't just take it and wound up with his jaw wired shut and drinking his meals for about 6 weeks.

    • Like 1
  11. I spent some time working for Suge back in 89/90 before Death Row.  He was very charismatic.  If you met him, you would like him.  He was also very “street smart” and a natural, instinctive leader. 

    I have no idea about his upbringing, but he was definitely close to the Pyru bloods if not an actual member/alumni.  He also was no punk — at least at that time (around 25 years of age).  He probably would score high on a test to identify sociopaths.  Empathy was not something he possessed.

    I witnessed some crazy ass shit and even took a punch from him once.

    • Like 1
  12. So I got to say, I've liked this thread because we actually have people of differing opinions engaging each other.  I don't care if the discussion gets heated.  Too many times we all get segregated into threads where we are just preaching to the choir.  Not that anyone's mind really gets changed or anything.  But whats the fucking point of just everyone nodding their heads together?

    So back to the topic at hand.  Another thing that is at work, people that take their news from far right or far left sources are completely unaware of their bias.  They feel the extreme right or left information they are consuming is "real".  Thus, almost all other information and sources would fall away from their position near the pole, seem slanted, biased and 'fake'.  These people are more alike than different -- zealots who view that their position is right and the vast majority of others that align away from their position at a pole as wrong.

    The big difference right now is that only one of those groups is in complete control of the federal government.

  13. Quote

    A senior Trump administration gleefully noted to me a few months ago that their agency was doing things that would be very controversial in a normal world. They have almost no oversight from the White House, Trump doesn't care about their issue area, and the national media is obsessed with the Trump tweet of the day. That's a bad combination and means they can operate with little scrutiny.

    The Derp State

    • Like 2
  14. With all the beers being handed around, I’m going to have to humbly come forward and say that yes, it was I in the video teaching a lesson to that USC punk.  The real story is that he had an inflatable Bevo he kept dry humping while screaming “Rout 66!!!  Rout 66!!!  Bevo’s the Pac12’s BITCH!!!” with orgasmic gusto.  I asked him politely to stop cursing because there were women and children present.  The punk sneered millennially, snatched my Stetson and said, “Here, old man, let me shape that hat for ya!”  That’s where the video picks up.

    I’m not proud of my actions.  I’m no hero.  I’m just a guy that bleeds orange and won’t stand for our great university (or my hat) being disrespected.

    Please send all beer donations to:


    1431 Wickford Way,

    Austin, TX 78759

    • Haha 1
  15. I have heard of 'Occupy Democrats'.  I have a leftist Trumpkin equivalent in my FB friends list that posts stuff from them daily.  They are definitely a liberal propagandist organization and I've thought they were a left analog to Breitbart, which lines up with where the infographic has them placed.


    3 hours ago, AtticusFinch said:

    The problem is...this happens with every administration,  with government in general but it doesnt get reported...why?  Bias...

    I've seen this response from others I know personally, and I don't get it.  I've been voting since Reagan, have voted for both Rs and Ds in that time, but I've never seen anyone but Trump:

    • Be publicly antagonistic with our closest allies in democracy and weakening the bonds of NATO
    • Have a huge public schism with the state department, justice department and intelligence community
    • Fail to respond to the threat posed to our nation by a foreign power that all of the above agree is actively seeking to weaken and destabilize our nation
    • Seek relationships of understanding and equality with autocrats, adversaries of democracy and those that place zero value on human rights (Putin, KJU, et al)
    • Have many advisers in their circle that are guilty of felonies related to the advancement of Putin/Russian interests
    • Wage unprovoked trade wars without any attempt to negotiate before hand
    • Embolden white nationals, white supremacists, racists, mysogynists, etc... to be proud of their beliefs and project them into society
    • Flaunt their disregard for women, minorities, non-Christians and some nationalities
    • Address immigration woes by breaking up families and interring children in camps without having any means to reunite them when they are sent back from where they came
    • Use their power as President to damage the business of corporations through Tweets (Amazon, NFL, etc...)

    Those are facts, they aren't media bias.  And I never saw any evidence of such things being 'covered up' in previous administrations.  If you have some source of information that leads you to believe the chaos surrounding the Trump administration is business as usual, but we just have a biased media that never reported on such things before, please post them.  I would love to have a better understanding of where you are coming from.

    1 hour ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Countless instances of indiscretion in the Trump administration, focus on a couple of media fuckups to create a false equivalency. Not falling for this shit. 


    From Atticus' link:


    I have no idea how they plotted news sources in the above infographic, but lets assume for now that its reasonably accurate.  The 'fake news' that Trump has called out are the NYT, the Washington Post, CNN, etc...  Those news sources, while not infallible and having a slightly liberal slant, are still squarely in the middle of the bell curve.  The 'real news' that Trump espouses is Fox, which falls far to the right on the long-tail of extreme conservatism.

    Fake news is real, but the people railing on it are the biggest consumers of fake news slanted to their own ideology.

  17. 2 hours ago, AtticusFinch said:


    News isnt fake but its extremely biased.  Example is the New York Times article last week trying to make Trump administration look bad by claiming Nikki Hailey ordered 50k in drapes.  Turns out it was the Obama administration that ordered the drapes.  It was a rush to put out a negative story.  There are countless stories like that.  

    Appreciate the concrete example.

  18. 12 hours ago, Mole said:

    So what changed culturally? Why did we care to pay for good journalism before? Is it just a change in medium? Is our children learning?

    Some random thoughts/opinions.  If you were to graph potential information sources over time, you would see an exponential curve shooting upward after the year 1995 or so.  A few things happened at roughly the same time, within 10-15 years of each other:

    1.  The rise of internet based communication.  Email lists, old fashioned BBS, blogs, podcasts, youtube, twitter, facebook, etc...  Everyone has a platform to broadcast their opinions.  Everyone can consume an endless stream of information for free.  The information can be filtered to exactly what you want to be presented with.  While facilitating communication, the intardnet buffers humans from each other while communicating, allowing people to say things online they would never say to another person's face. 


    2. Talk radio, specifically Rush Limbaugh, showed that someone could make a shit ton of money being a source of alt-information pandering to a demographic's confirmation bias.  A shit ton of copycats try to find a niche audience that wants someone to tell them they are right, good and that those outside of their group are bad and evil.

    3.  People like Oprah, the Kardashians and Trump demonstrating the power of a personal brand and influencing the behavior of a demographic.  If you have millions of followers, can offer up 140 characters speaking highly of a product and generate tens-of-millions in sales, you are going to be a very well-compensated endorser.  Again, a shit ton of copycats try to cash in on the phenomenon, upping the amount of information out there.

    4. News hits a tipping point of supply and demand.  The supply of information shoots up exponentially.  The demand of consumers stays relatively static.  The consumers get distributed across the pool of producers, leading to huge losses of audience for traditional news sources.  Newspapers especially are hard hit, as their pay-for-information business model can't compete with the ocean of free information that requires less of the consumer.

    5. Informational overload and fatigue.  A huge number of sources offer up often conflicting pieces of information in their competition for the attention of different groups of people.  Sifting through it all to identify what has merit and what is just BS becomes a full time job that no one can afford.  People have to rely on curated information, from sources they believe they can trust.  People essentially outsource their critical thinking to their favored sources which often leads to echo chambers, ivory towers of information, etc...

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