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Posts posted by Goredho


    1 minute ago, retread said:

    If it doesn't and if it hardens the 35-40% Trumpers, then we're headed for civil war.

    So be it.   It’s probably naive to think the civil war was the only major bloody internal conflict the US would ever have.

  2. On 7/15/2018 at 10:30 AM, GRHorn said:

    Why are you quoting Russian state TV?  I feel like you’re sowing discord. 

    Your president acting in line with Russia’s best interests while the rest of your party tries to burrow their heads farther in the sand is the problem, dumbass.


    7 hours ago, ScottishHorn said:

    Well, NATO needs to be reformed.  There are no more Soviet tank and troop divisions in East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, etc.  with any intent to invade Europe.  Technology is different too.  We shouldn't be bearing all the costs of this cash cow.  This is another example of the establishment not willing to change or seek efficiency.   

    I don't disagree, but one can downsize our military and move away from a two-front preparedness doctrine without shitting all over our allies in democracy.  The Democrats have been pursuing that for some time.

  4. 21 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    I think they might be worse.

    Grim reality: The West sucks.

    Well, fuck it, I guess we continue pursuing Mother Russia to be our colonial overlord.

  5. 15 hours ago, Bama Chick said:



    God Save The Queen.

    Rock on ya crazy English bastards.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Can we become a British colony again?  We've shown we aren't fit to rule ourselves.

  6. On 7/5/2018 at 2:41 PM, Lucid said:

    This report (https://archive.fo/nOJxc) on US public opinion concerning gay marriage is a couple months old now but I found it fascinating, particularly this:

    I'm not surprised that the 10,000 protestant denominations are all over the place about gay marriage. But the widespread support among catholics/orthodox, muslims, and jews is shocking to me. What is happening here? Wtf does it even mean when someone says they are a catholic or a muslim and also that they support same-sex marriage or have no opinion on the issue? Are people becoming more ignorant about their own religions? Or are they just picking out and ignoring the parts that contradict the actual one true faith in America today, namely liberalism?


    Should have visited this thread sooner.  I think this is a common pattern with most classes of people that simply are who they are or living a victimless choice.  Once they start to achieve some mainstream acceptance, it doesn’t take long to see that the world isn’t really going to crash and burn as a result of the end of their shame and shunning.

  7. You look behind you and see hopeless poverty, tyranny and oppression.  You look ahead of you and see a perilous journey to freedom and the opportunity of prosperity.  You may not make it.  You may be turned back.  You may be robbed,  raped or killed. But you set forth anyway.  No river, wall or law will deter you.  There is nothing more American than that.

    Trump’s bold 4D chess move regarding immigration is equalizing the view of hopeless poverty, tyranny and oppression in both directions.

    • Like 8
  8. 12 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The real crime about the #2 is you have to ask for the cheese.  It’s just so un-American.  The cheese should come standard.

    True.  Forgot to order cheese once and that glorious #2 was just a piece of cardboard with mustard on it.

    12 hours ago, David Dennison said:

    The sweet tea is also an abomination.

     It’s delicious sugar-water.  One whatasized sweet tea could fuel the world’s hummingbirds for a week. You can hate it though, more for me.

  9. On 6/23/2018 at 3:10 PM, Cacti said:


    It appears that China—as well as our allies and neutral countries—take a different view; that is, they seem to think that a “win-lose scenario” works just fine, as long as they have a trade surplus with us.

    Look, Trump’s approach is confrontational, unsophisticated and brutish, and while those tactics may be successful or tolerable in the business world it is doubtful they will succeed on the international, political stage. But why is it not acceptable to at least try to have more favorable terms for us? We’ve currently running deficits with the E.U., with N.A.F.T.A., with China (of course), as well as with Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, Taiwan, and so forth. And we’ve tolerated this trade one-sidedness for over forty years; isn’t it past time to at least try and restore some sense of balance?

    Tolerated?  We are a shallow people addicted to consumption.  We’ve demanded it.

  10. During his speech at a rally in Montana, Trump said "thousand points of light" was a lesser slogan than his motto, Make America Great Again.

    "What the hell was that, by the way, thousand points of light? What did that mean? Does anyone know?" Trump asked the crowd.

    "I know one thing: Make America Great Again we understand. Putting America first we understand. Thousand points of light, I never quite got that one. What the hell is that? Has anyone ever figured that one out? And it was put out by a Republican."


    I dunno about anyone else, but I’ll take a thousand points of light over a treasonous black hole of venality.

    • Like 1
  11. 9 hours ago, Chad Fuck said:

    It won't be a Civil War.  We've been too comfortable for too long.  Comfortable people take the yoke.  

    This is probably worthy of its' own thread, but it fits here.  TL;DR - The right is winning it's war to put the yoke upon all of us, while waving the flag.  The super-haves have convinced the have-nots that it's all about bootstraps, when really, they're bowing to take the yoke.  



    What did the Romans do once there were no other lands to conquer?  They set upon each other, while a turnstyle of strongmen milked the empire for all they could.  Welcome to your empire in decline.  


    This Chad fucks.

  12. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    There's a place for you.  IT's out on the ledge with me.  We're dismissed as crazy people, and -- depending ENTIRELY on which party is in power at a given moment, "libtards" or "fascists."

    It's a nice ledge, though.  We have scotch.

    Im not cultured enough to drink scotch, but I’ll join you on that ledge.  There is comfort in knowing that if worst comes to worst, I can always jump off.

  13. 56 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Communist? Come on.

    I’m using a derisive label the right uses for the left.  The point is that hard left idealists like AO-C starting to unseat the Democratic party establishment could be the beginnings of the left-equivalent of a Tea Party movement.  That I see the dems breaking hard left in response to Trump like repubs broke hard right before them.  And when both parties are simply either alt-right or alt-left, and whichever way the centrists vote, an alt-* is gaining power — well, America is truly fucked then.

    As you said, there will be no olive branch.  When you get control, It’s time to finish the opposition once and for all.  I understand that mindset in response to what we are seeing out of our paraquat of a President.  I want nothing more than to see America rid of all vestiges of Trumpism. But it’s also a mindset that helped put him there in the first place and helps people continue to justify their support for him and his policies.  They want to finish you.

    So what do we do?  How do we avoid the Brisket apocalypse?  I don’t fucking know.  I’m just some asshole living in Colorado that drinks too much beer and smokes too much weed.  I’m personally going to aspire to the life of (little) Jeffrey Lebowski, watch the human parody unfold and vote straight Dem for the foreseeable future.

    • Like 1
  14. Just now, David Dennison said:

    Has the America you want to live in ever existed? 

    Absolutely.  Not in that there was a time when 80% of America were centrists that governed better than the extremes, but rather that 20-40% of the voters who were centrists could ensure that seldom would either party gain a preponderance of power, and if they did, it would be short lived.  The fringes at either pole were held in check and very rarely accomplished much beyond bitching over the state of things.

    Centrists are being driven to one side or the other.  There are no longer enough neutrals to keep the extremes in check.  On our present course, one extreme or the other will “win” with the other fading into history.  America will be fascist or communist.

    Sure, I can pick the lesser of those two evil bags of shit, but I’d rather see us find a way back to where centrists could tip the balance one way or the other when either republicans or democrats started to get too big for their britches.

  15. 5 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Barack Obama tried that. This is the result.

    We aren't doing that again.

    Fair point, and why it’s more than likely that America winds up becoming the communist or fascist caricature that half the populace fears the other half is driving for.

  16. 2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    This is going to sound crazy but I think we need a violent swing to the left first before we work our way to the pragmatic middle.  

    Trumpism and the fence sitting corporate democrats need to be flushed out with new blood.  A strong backlash from the youthful idealistic left should inspire the right to alter their approach, away from Trumpism and more towards traditional conservatism.  

    This is why I’ve said it’s going to take 20 years recover from the shit we’re in now.  The more significant the gains in the short term from the left, the closer we become to a long term pragmatic center without Trumpism.

    I definitely think the pendulum swings the other way and that an over correction left is likely.  I don’t think it likely the current right simply accepts it, says “whoops, our bad, let’s return to win-win centrist civility” and we all live happily ever after.  Or if they do, I think the left tells them to STFU, go sit in the back of the bus.

    If you are some combination of male, white, Christian or wealthy and take umbrage to others pulling up a chair to the table of wealth and power, now is your final stand.  You find a way to preserve the existing order during Trump’s presidency or it will be forever gone.  <Cercei>You win or you die.</Cercei>

    I think a last chance to break out of this and move forward peaceably will be for the dems to take control and then extend an olive branch to the right.  Pretty long odds on that, since it requires the dems to gain a preponderance of power, be in a forgiving mood when they do and for members of the right to accept a lesser slice of the pie they’ve fattened themselves on over the last 250 years.

    Jebus, I’m starting to think Brisket’s apocalypse is the most likely outcome.



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  17. On 7/2/2018 at 2:47 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    If we could replace all of Congress with young smart pragmatic idealists on both sides, we would be light years ahead of where we are now.

    Time to throw out all the old corporatist bums and get shit done.

    That is to say you want to drain the swamp?

    At some point, there has to be a return to pragmatic centricism.  If we cycle through ever-wilder swings right and left, I don’t see how that ends without a violent correction.  Maybe it’s a foregone conclusion and a pre-requisite for a step away from the ledge, but I hope not.

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