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Bruh Man

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Everything posted by Bruh Man

  1. Wells says Wheaton has comparable burst/speed to Jamaal Charles....
  2. Gerry said he thinks someone at Cy Fair is trying to steer LJ to A&M.
  3. Is it just me, or are a lot of people from DFW being implicated?
  4. The parallels with Benghazi are striking. Armed terrorists ransack a government building leading to deaths of Americans. Everything they accused the Obama administration of - cover up to incompetence - was actually on full display from Trump and his goons. You really can’t make this shit up.
  5. Allowing him to radicalize the rest of his voters further is straight cancer into the heart of America. Nuke this mother fucker into the center of the Earth. Impeach. Remove. Jail. Delete his Twitter. Remove Hawley and Cruz. Put every single person who stormed the white house in jail. Or we suffer coup attempts and assassinations for a generation. History shows you stomp this out, not coddle it.
  6. #TedCruzKilledACop is trending #1 on Twitter this morning.
  7. Imagine serving four tours overseas, coming back home in one piece, and dying for this...
  8. Where are the tanks and other military equipment? Are they still in Minneapolis?
  9. Today feels like one of those big final battles at the end of a Lord of the Rings movie.
  10. The honorable Reverend Wright warned them (3:01) about attacking the black religious tradition. Cruella Deville should have listened.
  11. West Virginia is going to look like Dubai by the time this congress is over.
  12. Black people saving America pt. 2157390. Next up, Letitia James...
  13. Anwar: The Longhorn football team held a very encouraging players-only meeting on Monday, according to my sources. That meeting was led by quarterback Casey Thompson, offensive lineman Denzel Okafor, running back Roschon Johnson and linebacker Juwan Mitchell, according to those close to the situation. I was told the purpose of the meeting was to check-in on everybody since the recent firing of Tom Herman and hiring of Steve Sarkisian. The leaders on the team wanted to gauge the morale of their teammates. From what I was told, the meeting had a "good vibe." Some players were disappointed by Herman's departure and the possibility of their losing position coaches. I was told they said positive things about Herman and the opportunity to attend the University of Texas. However, the players are excited about Sarkisian because of his success at Alabama. They expressed optimism that Sarkisian can replicate that success in Austin, and it appears the players are ready to embrace their new leader. It does not appear we will see the same resistance that initially occurred when players were not willing to accept Herman after Charlie Strong was fired. The meeting ended with players agreeing to focus on strength and conditioning, and their goal is to return to campus in the best shape possible.
  14. Suchomel said he expects less portaling because of this coaching change. Players despised Herman.
  15. All the Jimbo jokes.....it looks like his players enjoy playing for him. Meanwhile Herman is getting Gatorade baths from walk ons. Ignore me I’m really jaded right now.
  16. aggy and nope They have several starters that would start for us. Several.
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