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Everything posted by BabaBooey

  1. I work on a pipeline here in the Houston area that was able to capitalize this week on high prices. We winterized all our instrumentation and took the necessary steps to keep from freezing up. Centerpoint did freeze up a few times at their regulator stations downstream of us which caused higher flow rates, but nothing major. Our line isn't the biggest (size and volume wise) compared to the big dogs (Kinder/HPL/etc) but we managed to feed a lot of city gates this week.
  2. It's in Midstream LNG measurement.
  3. So I just got an opportunity to possibly take a position with Phillips 66 in the Gulf Coast region this morning. With all this talk, y'all think it's safe to move jobs right now?
  4. I think he's gone. Too much smoke around for something not to go down. Hate to say it, but I think JJ probably played his last game in Reliant as well.
  5. So here's a 42 day update on the tank after a horrible bout with diatoms that never seemed to subside. If you see in the main tank pic I still have some cleaning to do on the inlet pipe in the back but my pipe cleaner couldn't reach and make the turn to get it. May end up taking that skimmer inlet out and swapping it with a non skimmer type. Decided to re-scape the middle section due to not really feeling the la plata sand and planted more HC Cuba along with acicularis mini, so hopefully those carpet together nicely with each other. I know they said HC Cuba was a pretty hard carpeting plant to grow compared to the more popular Monte Carlo but mine seem to have taken off once they established in the substrate. The java moss on the tip of the rocks got consumed by the diatoms and had to rip that out unfortunately. New plants I added for different textures were alternanthera reineckli mini, marasilea hirsuta and anubias mini. For the livestock I have 4 Oto catfish, 3 zebra nerites, 4 cherry red shrimp, 4 amano shrimp and 2 pinto shrimp. Hoping to see some babies soon from them. I'll probably let the tank run for another month before adding my last school of fish which I'm thinking will be some type of tetra.
  6. Just did another water test today and it's looking good to add the CUC. Ammonia 0 ppm/Nitrites 0ppm Nitrates 5ppm. Diatoms are growing like weeds right now. I'll probably do a 25% water change today and tidy up a bit before adding the shrimps and snails.
  7. I'm not sure what the level was. I used a bottle from the LFS to quick start the cycle. I was averaging about 8ppm those first few weeks and yesterday was my first 0ppm. I've been using RO/DI water and remineralizing with equilibrium and alkaline buffer since I need the water soft and slightly acidic. My tap water is too hard to run what I'm wanting to do. Yeah, moving when you have tanks is a bummer. That's the main reason why I closed up shop on my nano reef years ago. It becomes problematic when you've got sensitive coral or certain species. Once I'm in my final home I'm thinking of doing a large sw tank.
  8. So I'm close to the end of my tank cycle. Ammonia 0ppm/Nitrites .5ppm/Nitrates 40ppm. Got a good sized diatom bloom going on now, so I will hopefully be dropping in some sky blue velvet shrimps and a mix of tiger/zebra/horned nerite snails to chow down by next weekend if the parameters look good. I'll get some pics up once the critters are in and the tank doesn't look like a bomb went off.
  9. I'm assuming you mean the Centerpoint electric side, correct?
  10. So got the tank set up yesterday evening. Pics are from today after the cloudiness of the equilibrium and beneficial bacteria cleared. Planted some hemianthus callitrichoides "cuba" for carpet, bucephulandra red mini, staurogyne repens and some java moss on the tips of the rocks. May add a few more plants once everything gets settled. This thing will always be a work in progress I feel. Went with black mountain seiryu stone hard scape, ADA amazonia aqua soil with some ADA La Plata sand in the middle. Probably add live stock slowly in a few weeks once I have the CO2 dialed in and my parameters are stable. Still need to install my power strip higher up and get my timers installed. Over all I'm pretty happy with how it turned out and hoping it grows in to what I envisioned.
  11. I was looking at them for livestock not to long ago. Seems they are out of stock on a bunch of things like most online vendors. Might split up purchases from them, Aqua Hun and Live Aquaria.
  12. We got my daughter a beta a few months ago. I'll probably end up throwing him in there too to get out of the 5 Gal tank.
  13. Probably go with an assortment of fish. I see too many planted tanks with one species in a large group. I'm looking to do a community tank with leopard tux male guppies, a yellow king tiger pleco, blue emperor tetras and peppered cory cats. May throw in a few red crystal shrimp too.
  14. Decided to get back in to the aquarium scene this week. Had a JBJ Nano cube reef for a few years, but dismantled it once my kids came in to the equation. Now that they're a little older I can set some time aside to tend to a tank and introduce them to aquariums like my dad did with me. Decided to do a planted aquarium this time. Picked this setup at Aquarium Design Group here in the Pearland/Houston area. Went with a 20G rimless/Eheim Classic/Twin Star Light II LED/Lily Tube w skimmer. Going to dose it with Pro-SE series CO2 system with in line diffuser. Hopefully that will be in this week and will head back to the store to scape the tank. I never realized how expensive freshwater was going to be, but it's worth it once it's up and running.
  15. So I've been playing this game religiously since I downloaded it. (Brock Landers is my tag) I'm starting to get the hang of it, but really not playing the high money rounds just yet. The thing I don't understand is with these tournaments, is that I'm being paired with people that have pro tournament wins, but playing with rookies. Is there a level you hit to where higher tiered players can't feast on bottom feeders like myself? Just seems unfair if I'm high in the rankings before the tournament ends, to only log in and see my standing fall at the end due to seasoned players sweeping the top spots. Am I seeing that correctly, or just taking crazy pills?
  16. I work in O&G and I voted Biden. I also work for the number one renewable energy company in the world. Sounds conflicting, but it’s true. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Request sent. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I just started playing this game a few days ago. Finally unlocked clans today. Y’all need any new members? Gamer tag is BrockLanders if so. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Same with mine. It seemed once the first "cool" front came through here in Pearland, growth just came to a halt. Looks as though parts of the yard are already going dormant too.
  20. How are you liking the Gladiator? Went and test drove the Rubicon edition a few days ago and was quite surprised how much I liked it since I've never driven a jeep before. Half my brain can't justify dropping that amount of $ on a smaller vehicle than what I have now (F-150), but on the other hand, I REALLY want one.
  21. I haven't had any problems yet in my '18 F-150, but the trans does jerk when I first leave the house at times. Gets to about 3000 rpm in 1st and then slams in to 3rd. Wife also has the '19 Expedition, but no problems yet. She just rolled over 6k on it last month.
  22. Lake Charles LNG, Golden Pass LNG, Cameron LNG and Cheniere’s Sabine Pass LNG. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. He hunkered down in Rockport at a “carwarsh” that had a blue shed near in the background. Took a beating and never fell apart if I remember correctly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Same. I’m here in Pearland and 120mph winds wouldn’t diminish much by the time it got here. According to Space City Weather, the stronger Laura gets, the more East the track would go. Hope that stays true. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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