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Everything posted by EastTexan

  1. Does the female aggy squeeze their nuts?
  2. On the Ketch twitter stuff. I cannot tell what's real, and what ain't.
  3. Well, at least aggy lost their "natty".
  4. Agree. Dan Reeves should be in HOF. He was not a blow hard loud mouth like many. Was a hard nosed mf'er. He was cut from the same cloth as Tom Landry. Believe he once said Coach Landry was the reason for wearing a suit on sideline. My first thought hearing of his death was the half back pass against Green Bay. Fuck GB! RIP Dan Reeves.
  5. Damn. Sad to hear. One of the many, good 'uns, that played when Landry got them going at a high level. RIP Dan Reeves.
  6. yep. should have added thumbs up. aggy can patent thumbs up their ass.
  7. fuck that. I've been saying howdy longer than aggy started their cultish howdy shit.
  8. sec don't give a fuck about aggy.
  9. But, he was very highly celebrated for asking "what time is it".
  10. Big yes on 82nd. Congrats to your son. Go Army!
  11. Bought the first issue in 1960. UT 's Jack Collins on the cover. Read from cover to back. Bought it for many years after. Was somewhat amazed in '65 when my name appeared in it. RIP Dave Campell!
  12. fuck ousux, but frito burritos from taco bell were pretty damn good.
  13. I get what you are saying. But I don't get it.
  14. Yes. Sark works the qb's and receivers with help.
  15. You are probably correct. And if Jamie is aware of his father's deal, he would have pissed hi britches when Beth so delicately confronted him. or does she confront him in next show? anyway.
  16. Cannot blame the coaches, without blaming the players. Cannot blame the players, without blaming the coaches. I know there's a LOT more to it. We are in an out of control bowel movement and commode flush.
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