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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. Same. Until then, I'll just point out to lefty posters that I hate them as much or more than they hate me.
  2. If you say so. I saw the interview. She was promoting eugenics. Margaret Sanger would be proud.
  3. Disgusting pieces of trash: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/ana-navarro-uses-disabled-brother-step-granddaughter-syndrome-examples-women-need-abortions-video/ Imagine Thanksgiving dinner this year at the Navarros. "Brother, I wish you'd never been born because you're such a burden, but it sure is good to see you--you and that other ree-tard in the family who'd be better off dead."
  4. There is zero point in trying to get your people in office if you do not grab the brass ring in the fleeting moments when you can. Like Obama, Reid and Pelosi did with the ACA. It cost them politically. This may too. It will be worth it.
  5. I respond in kind to maybe 1 out of 20 personal attacks. Yet I'm the toxic one. What a joke.
  6. Do what you want. It's your board.
  7. Nothing posted on this board makes a shit.
  8. Laughing at the freakshow carnies that typify the modern left is cheap entertainment.
  9. Nasty folks wanting humans to have an opportunity at life is just deplorable.
  10. "Officer, I ran in front of the truck and tried to stop it, but I got ran over"
  11. Right back at you. I would not personally associate with most of the nutjobs in the Cloak Room. I have a strong, strong distaste for white leftists.
  12. Very happy. Sorry to disappoint. The white libs are the ones with the most mental health issues and self hatred.
  13. Would not really work well. You don't get to attempt to stop a moving vehicle, beat the shit out of it, and claim self defense when the driver takes action to protect himself.
  14. Aren't you the guy whose opinion I don't give a shit about? Today is a great day. A grievous wrong was finally made right. Sorry you can't convenience kill as many innocent unborn now. Tough shit.
  15. “Runs over protesters” is a bullshit description of what actually happened.
  16. Spare me your lectures. I don't give a single solitary shit about what you think about me. Putting you on ignore now.
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