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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. These guys can help. I do not believe in replacement theory. Because progressive white leftists are a lot farther left than Hispanics (and black males). So they are pushing them out of the Democrat party. See the Rio Grande Valley. Harvard Institute of Politics: “Old, white, straight, male voters ain't what they used to be .. It is hard to imagine future scenarios were the Republican Party can win national elections” Politico: “The immigration proposal pending in Congress would transform the nation’s political landscape for a generation or more — pumping as many as 11 million new Hispanic voters into the electorate a decade from now in ways that, if current trends hold, would produce an electoral bonanza for Democrats and cripple Republican prospects in many states they now win easily.” Center for American Progress: “Supporting real immigration reform that contains a pathway to citizenship for our nation's 11 million undocumented immigrants is the only way to maintain electoral strength in the future.” The New York Times: Right now America is tearing itself apart as an embittered white conservative minority clings to power, terrified at being swamped by a new multiracial polyglot majority. Jennifer Rubin: “a more diverse, more inclusive society. this is fabulous news. now we need to prevent minority White rule”
  2. WTF? Are you regarded? People on this thread were talking how partisan the conservative members of the court are. I had seen an article a couple years ago on the subject. And looked it up. Why is that so hard for your pea brain to understand?
  3. Google. What does it matter?
  4. Axios, a noted rightwing website.
  5. Hunters Creek has a Longhorn plurality. That really is not Aggie country. Great school district.
  6. As opposed to all the well-reasoned and rational opinions Cloak Room posters are famous for.
  7. Always liked him. He was great in Uncommon Valor.
  8. The Dem appointed judges are more partisan than the GOP appointed judges. https://www.axios.com/2019/06/01/supreme-court-justices-ideology
  9. I paid something like $10k for my first bay boat and trailer. Was 8 years old. 20 foot center console Gulf Coast with a 150 Yamaha TRP (great motor). Ran great and caught lots of fish in it. $150k for a center console bay boat seems nuts to me.
  10. Spray container with Pam before you put pasta in.
  11. I know vehicles last longer these days, but Jesus that's nuts. Only thing we do is buy new and keep for at least ten years.
  12. Disagree. I think abortion is different. There is a fetus that the state has some interest in protecting to balance against privacy. Do not see that interest with same sex marriage, gay sex, or contraceptives. If I am wrong, I will be very disappointed and angry at whoever is responsible for it. Now I do have one caveat with contraceptives. We are just talking about Griswold and a state banning them? Because I am not saying SCOTUS won't make Hobby Lobby or Little Sisters of the Poor type rulings regarding forcing employers to pay or insure contraceptives.
  13. There is no myth. Asians have the highest earnings by far of any racial group in the USA. And it has nothing to do with luck. Sorry that's an inconvenient truth.
  14. Are we not allowed to name call politicians we dislike here? If so, you got a lot of police work to do on this board.
  15. I don't even know what you're talking about. But you do a splendid job of keeping track of my posts. You have a spreadsheet or something?
  16. I'll take that action plus Lawrence. IMO, none of the 3 will be overturned by the SCOTUS.
  17. These folks managed just fine in Richmond, VA. As did these folks in Louisville
  18. How much you want to wager on that? I say Obergefell is still the law of the land ten years from now.
  19. Sine then the SCOTUS has come after Obergefell? I missed it, I guess.
  20. I don't really keep track of you like you do me. But is this about Stacey Klump losing the election by 54,000 votes and her repeating the Big Lie the election was stolen? A quote from her: "I have no empirical evidence that I would have achieved a higher number of votes. However, I have sufficient and I think legally sufficient doubt about the process to say that it was not a fair election." https://web.archive.org/web/20190429012042/https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/28/magazine/stacey-abrams-election-georgia.html Or this: On November 9, 2018, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that its investigation of the 2018 statewide elections in Georgia had found "no evidence ... of systematic malfeasance – or of enough tainted votes to force a runoff election". https://www.ajc.com/news/scattered-problems-emerge-georgia-voting/oQxJq2DOKu8o32pd0mvAxN/# Or this: A USA Today fact check noted that the actions Kemp's office took during the election "can be explained as routine under state and federal law"; political scientist Charles S. Bullock III said there is "not much empirical evidence supporting the assertion that Kemp either suppressed the vote or 'stole' the election from Abrams." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/11/18/fact-check-partly-false-claim-gov-brian-kemp-and-2018-election/6327447002/
  21. And? That is the top end. He was rich before Trump was elected. He and his family own a shitload of real estate. His brother has more money than he does. Was Kushner supposed to turn down rent or something? From Fortune: Overall, the disclosures suggest Trump and Kushner, though still extremely wealthy, lost ground or tread water economically during their controversial stints in her father’s administration. In 2017, shortly after joining the White House staff, they reported income of as much as $195 million, but that initial disclosure covered a longer period of time than the ones that followed. The couple’s assets appreciated only modestly, if at all, over the last four years, during which the stock market climbed more than 60%. In their most recent disclosure, they listed assets worth between $206 million and $803 million, compared to a 2017 figure of between $241 million and $741 million. They listed assets worth between $203 million and $783 million last year. https://fortune.com/2021/02/03/ivanka-trump-jared-kushner-income-hit-white-house/
  22. For the world, I agree luck has a whole lot to do with it. Being born in Haiti means you are screwed. Being born healthy in the USA means you are born on third base. So I disagree with it when it comes to the United States. Unless Asians are just the luckiest bastards in the USA (or it's not 95% luck it's because their culture that values education, the nuclear family, and hard work).
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