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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. Abrams lost by 54,000 votes. That is a fact. Nothing Kemp did by following Georgia law changes that fact. She advocates the big lie despite that vote. Since she is on your team, you don't care.
  2. Qanoners and you share beliefs. Neither election was stolen or rigged.
  3. I am sure you think that. Your type thinks a lot of dumb shit.
  4. I fully support all laws against misusing firearms. In fact I would like to make them more strict. I have yet to see any gun ban proposal that would do dick to save human lives. Most just make it more difficult for the poor to have a gun to defend themselves. Limo leftists with their luxury beliefs.
  5. You support your team's big lie. You are no better than Qanon.
  6. Except for the fetuses who won't be dismembered by surgical instruments.
  7. Except for the fetuses who won't be dismembered by surgical instruments.
  8. It's literally worse than Jim Crow.
  9. That's not how it works. It takes not voting in two election cycles and not responding to multiple attempts to confirm registration by mail then plus 3 years.
  10. There were two baby formula bills. Once passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. This one did not. The devil is often in the details on these things. Republicans are claiming this $28 million does nothing to address the shortage.
  11. I don't oppose wic. I think it's one of the better programs we have. I am against abortions once there is both a heartbeat and brain waves because that's about the best I can figure as when life begins -- I think that is probably 8-10 weeks. Once life begins that life, in my view, has some rights to be protected and certainly outweighs convenience of the partents. If you need an abortion for convenience because you did not use protection, the protection failed, or you did not avail yourself to Plan B, then get one in the first 10 weeks. And after that if they cannot afford to raise a child or just don't want it, put it up for adoption. Or drop it off at a fire station or hospital -- there is a Baby Moses law that allows a parent to do this within first 60 days no questions asked. Unless it is necessary to protect the mother's life, I do not see why anyone should be getting an abortion after 10 weeks.
  12. She lost by 54,000 and lies that she really won. You support her big lie. You are no better than Trump. You just tolerate it because she's on your team.
  13. He is a great actor. His performance in Donnie Brasco was amazing.
  14. Neither side can convince the other.
  15. I think you guys are agreeing. He is saying replacement theory is not accurate and the 2020 election is proof. But Democrats have for at least a couple decades have gleefully predicted a future domination of the electorate due to demographics. Luckily for the GOP hardly anyone can stand the progressive white libs who are largely batshit crazy -- especially Hispanics/LatinX and a growing number of black males.
  16. It really isn't. And that's the problem. The pro choice people think pro lifers want to subjugate women and the pro lifers think pro choicers support murdering babies. So the sides talk past each other.
  17. So Georgia followed its law on purging voter rolls? And purged 107,000 people who had not voted or responded From your link: In Georgia, a registered voter can be flagged for a purge if he or she doesn't vote or make contact with election officials for three years. Election officials then send a notice in the mail to inform the person that he or she may be purged. If the person doesn't respond, contact election officials or vote in two subsequent elections, then he or she will be removed. It's a seven-year process. So people who voted in the high-turnout 2008 election but skipped 2010 through 2016 were dumped in 2017. That may explain why the July 2017 purge was the biggest one yet under Kemp. More than 591,000 Georgians had their voter registrations canceled that year, according to the secretary of state's office. State records show that 560,000 voter registrations were canceled for inactivity. And your position is what? That enough of those 107,000 people who have not voted since 2008 and who did not bother to respond to notices from election officials about their registration would have all voted for Abrams and changed an election Kemp won by 54,000 votes. It is complete bullshit.
  18. I think Democrats have gleefully paraded replacement theory around for decades now. They are wrong of course. But they sure were claiming it.
  19. yes you dumb bastard. I know how to Google things.
  20. Her big lie and refusal to concede an election she lost by 54,000 votes. I've been told the big lie is a really, really bad thing. I guess it must be different when she does it. I was also amused about her mask hypocrisy and then lying her ass off about it when she was caught.
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