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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. That always was weird to me. Because the metrics crowd would have gone apeshit over Morgan's game.
  2. I am pointing out data. The truth is that schools are safer now than ever and certainly safer than when we all went to school. That is what the data says. The general public believes the exact opposite. There is a lot of fear that little Johnny might get shot and killed at school. It is not a rational fear. Most minors who are shot and killed aren't being shot at school or in a mass shooting. They are killed in gang/drug related violence, often by those with previous violent offenses, or by a relative in one of those family shooting tragedies. You want to make it safer from guns? Make violent crime sentences longer. Make it a 30 year mandatory no parole sentence if you commit a felony with a gun. Won't do much to stop mass shootings. But it will do a lot to stop the criminals who commit the vast majority of violent gun crimes and our homicide rate would drop significantly. Legalize drugs and you have a whole lot of empty prison space free. In my opinion we should make policy and law based on actual data and not irrational fears. We should also not pass stupid laws that make no sense. Like the 1994 Assault Weapons ban. Our Ruger Mini 14s with 30 round mags of .223 were legal. The AR 15 was not legal. That is just fucking stupid. Because the Ruger has a wooden stock and ARs are plastic? I am not opposed to increased regulations. But they need to make sense and not be stupid on their face like the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.
  3. I hope you can get over the neg reps and have a nice and blessed weekend.
  4. Negs me first. I neg back but do not cry like a bitch about getting neg repped. Then bitches about my neg back. You are a whiny little bitch.
  5. I just got back last night. Did not fish this trip. I have used Gaviotas Fishing fleet in the past with good results. Their prices are less than most.
  6. I am fine with background checks and red flag laws. As to the latter, not sure how much good it will do for those who already own guns. If you want to make AR rifles subject to NFA, I can live with that. But the ATF has to fucking move faster than a year to approve (still waiting on a suppressor I bought spring of 2021). I have heard the new electronic submission of NFA has sped things up to 3-4 months, which is okay with me. Put ARs on the list and remove suppressors. Zero reason for them to be NFA and have the extra delay and tax. Open up NICS to public for private sales. Or have a national ID that has your voter registration and your ability to legally buy a firearm linked to the bar code. The scary random mass shootings in public places generally account for 100 or so deaths a year. And schools are very, very safe places for children. Homicides in schools in our country of 350 million people are exceedingly rare and random. I don't think much can be done about school shootings. I would allow school employees who have their license to carry the option to carry at school. I believe around 200 school districts in Texas allow this now. My understanding, though I cannot confirm 100%, is that Uvalde was not one of them. The last 20 years, the USA has ranged from 10 to 34 school children being murdered in schools per year. As parents we worry about our kids. But worrying about them being shot and killed while at school is not a rational fear. The hours they are in school are the safest hours of their day. https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/a01
  7. Yes, I do not advocate burning down gun stores. I am sure GOLL will get right after that.
  8. He could move up to 33 or 34% BTA. Would not shock me. Need Carr, Rice, and Disu to be our main three point shooters. And Cunningham on a limited basis. Disu returning to form could be the key to our season. If healthy, he could be a stud.
  9. Wife and I are catching the 7:35 showing at Edward's on Weslayan. Can't wait.
  10. Have you ever had the ground fajita meat burger at Ninfa's? Might be my favorite burger in Houston.
  11. Heading down there Sunday once drop kids off for their bus to camp. 4 nights at Cape. Going to hit Los Tres Gallos one night, Flora Farms one night, and probably one dinner at Cape rooftop bar. Considering Edith's for fourth night. Will probably charter a Panga to fish inshore one morning. Just want to get out on a boat for a half day. My wife gets seasick, so will be solo.
  12. I've used WorldCast Anglers and love them. They have a stable of guides that are excellent.
  13. Screening is one part. Having proper training and internal controls is another. Having proper reporting to authorities is another. This is sickening no matter where it happens.
  14. You want more gun control, start enforcing the federal laws we already have. Joe's son needs to be perp walked for lying on his form 4473.
  15. That's one thing I wish they would delineate now. Seems like it would not be that hard.
  16. That is untrue. Bill never hit 50%. Neither did Hillary. Neither did Gore. A correct statement would be a plurality of voters have voted Democratic in every presidential election except one in the last 33 years. Democrats did win a majority in 2008, 2012, and 2020. So 3 out of the last 7.
  17. That is a different statement than the one I responded to.
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