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Johnny Sack

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Everything posted by Johnny Sack

  1. Explaining Silver and Karate Kid 3's craziness with cocaine was awesome.
  2. Kamala was smart enough to fuck Willie Brown to move up.
  3. Yes. They have proven efficacy against transmission and a long safety record. You see cases in 90 percent vaxxed NY? They also don’t require 3-4 shots per year.
  4. I concede Dems have mostly the right views on Covid vaccines. Not a fan of government mandates for them as a condition to work. The contractor mandate was absurd. Requiring off site remote workers of companies with federal contracts was absurd.
  5. I didn’t ignore it. See post 48503 on this page.
  6. They just pander to a different brand of kooks. Actually a bunch of different brands of kooks.
  7. Also explains why she had to re-take the bar exam. What a terrible check the box choice. That’s the type of answer I would expect from a random Walmart customer that was being interviewed at the spur of the moment by the local news. Absolutely pathetic.
  8. Anti vaxxers (not Covid vax) spans the political spectrum. Some of the lowest vaccine rates are in deep blue areas. Granola hippy libs and fundamental Christian weirdos.
  9. 2019 was bad for measles. But it is usually low
  10. I see it like a flu vaccine. Helps some in transmission depending on strain and mutation. Not every going to get rid of it regardless. Main benefit of Covid vaxx is outcomes are much better, We need to move on past this. Idiots who want to assume the risk do so at their own peril. Freaking Chicago is apparently about to go back to remote learning. That is some evil shit to do to poor kids.
  11. I mean we have what, 300 or so cases of Measles a year in the USA? That's pretty much eradication.
  12. Does MMR vax have nearly the amount of break through cases as Covid vax? I see the Covid vax as a prophylactic against not getting seriously injured or dead. But it does not seem capable of shutting the virus down like MMR has done. Or polio or smallpox. I mean shit, my understanding is all sorts of mammals get Covid and can transmit it. At this time, I don't see the vaccine eradicating Covid like MMR has effectively done to measles.
  13. I am pro vaccine for kids. Probably militantly so. I just do not see the Covid vaccine necessary right now for mine. Given their low risk and the fact both already had it and were asymptomatic. I don't think others that choose differently for their kids are stupid or are taking a dumb risk. This is just our calculus.
  14. If mom, dad and grandma have the vaccine, they should not be at risk from Covid. Or not a material risk. If they are not vaccinated, they made the choice to assume the small risk of dying from Covid. I don't need to put a novel vaccine in my kids who are not at risk to protect me or any other adult. I have the vaccine. I don't give a shit about Covid. Nor do I give a shit about any adult who is dumb enough not to get jabbed.
  15. Shit no. All my kids are vaccinated and I am extremely pro vax for standard vaccines. Do not think this one is necessary. May re-visit in the future. I am more worried about them getting bitten by a shark when we head to the Caribbean in a couple months than I am about their risk from Covid. My kids already both had it any way and the only way we knew it because we had them tested when we got it. It was nothing to them. I don't see a need or benefit to vaxxing them for this given their low risk. Covid is not the bubonic plague. The vaccines we currently have are not the smallpox vaccine or the polio vaccine that eradicates the disease. If it was the plague or did eradicate it, I would get them jabbed.
  16. Is this the kid who goes in to get their tonsils out and pops positive on a PCR?
  17. Common sense. You are immune to it though.
  18. This is true. Adults should vaccinate. If they don't, they could be one of the small percentage of people who die from Covid. If they do vaccinate, their odds of surviving are much higher. It's like wearing a seatbelt. I see zero reason to vaccinate kids.
  19. What our politicians and parents have done to children and young adults who are at no risk of death in the name of Covid is criminal. Not just mental health she mentioned, but the education our most vulnerable kids were denied -- mostly by Democrat politicians in blue states and cities.
  20. Maybe it's pre-trimming and cooking weight?
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