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Everything posted by wd40

  1. some of you dipshits need to work on your manual ignore skills. just enjoy the tits, skip the text, and keep scrolling.
  2. I don't SS on the trail much anymore. it was a lot of fun for a while. teaches you a lot about floating bumps and planning your accelerations to get up stuff. but the bike geometry is way too different (69* head angle, which was considered slack back in '09), and only 3" of travel on the front. my old bones just can't do it, anymore. I still take it out on the street for training. still geared for hills (32-20). did 8.31mi with 824ft of climbing, one day last week. cut it short when I felt some moisture on my calves that turned out to be Stan's spraying out of a puncture in my back tire. no kit. house key on a string. held long enough to get me home, though. took 3 strips of bacon to fix it. still need to ride-test it. did Spider again, yesterday. Sidewinder is easily my new favorite trail there, so wanted to film it. wish I could jump. uncorked one on Antidote off-camera that launched me over the landing zone into a nose wheelie for 5 or 6ft. so I slipped back into my usual wet noodle style for the rest of the day. did get a taste of the wall ride, finally. transition's not nearly as abrupt as it looks. since I was up there and it was blowing (gusty to 30+, as it turned out), I went for a sail, afterward. wanted to test out a new camera setup. put the 6 on top, and the old 5 on the boom, (where it usually goes). water was cold (56*), so my feet were numb when they weren't cramping from dehydration. it'd be nice if @G650's boys could up their camera game to match their sailing. I need to do the opposite. enjoy.
  3. no bike shop is ever going to care as much about your bike as you do. I didn't start doing all my own wrenching because I'm a cheapskate (well, ok, I am, but that's beside the point). I did it because I got tired of having experiences like that. but, yes, was a great day to ride, if not film (high contrast shadows everywhere). 9.16 miles and 1189ft of climbing, today.
  4. They were 2A champions now for for two years running But he says they won't be this year, no they won't be this year...
  5. got some of what passes for snow around here, this morning. crunching through packed sleet and ice. traction was surprisingly good, except on some of the fast, flat corners that had fully melted. no down trees, which was good. most of the little frosty crystals that were standing up on my tires had melted by the time I got my phone out of my pack for this pic.
  6. second from the left must be Aunt Boobs
  7. leveled-up my cheese hinge game, today. stuff is legit. the back of my head was sweating. one with yellow mustard, one with spicy brown to mix things up. Dixieland Hot Chow-Chow. no racist.
  8. back on a less expensive topic: I'll see your TP roll and raise you a butter stick
  9. guy on the left looks to me like Gunny Hartman, demonstrating the proper technique for strokin' it in the Marine Corp.
  10. already got 87 lids, we don't use. she found one that fit, so crisis averted for her lemon ginger tea. don't need any more lids, thanks. besides, my wife and daughter had a 10 minute conversation at the dinner table this week about which hair conditioner to use that didn't have parabens(?) or silicone or whatever other toxins in it. pretty sure suggesting silicone pot lids would be met with more fecal epithets.
  11. where were you yesterday when I was reheating a leftover cheeseburger patty?
  12. so you're just getting more value out of your kitchen staff. cool. I guess.
  13. this may be more about getting old than wife shit. my wife bought this little 1qt sauce pan a while back. no lid. cool, whatever. nice pot. sees plenty of use. but this is at least the third time we've had some version of this exchange. Wife: where's the lid to this pot? Me: dunno. never had one, far as I know. I assumed you picked it up at TJ Maxx or someplace and it didn't come with one. W: I got it at Tuesday Morning M: there you go. I figure that's why it didn't have a lid and didn't want to get my lid bitten off for asking about it. W: turd M: see?
  14. when did they start making dashboards out of corian?
  15. can't get more American than that. anyhoo, smoked feral hog naoch.
  16. not to fire up the cheese snobs in the Shank thread, but isn't American cheese just glorified Velveeta?
  17. Vulture's pretty far up Decision Point. there's a sign for it on DP Trail, but of course that doesn't tell the whole story. you follow that jeep road about 75 yards toward the big rock pile. that rock pile is where the start of Vulture is. you actually cross Super D from that jeep road to get to it. in the video at about 2:10, there's a run up to a steep ramp thing over a boulder on Super D, with the big rock pile on your left. right about where that video segment starts is next to the path up onto a shelf for the Vulture start. it's not easy to see, and if you can ride up that path thru the cactus, rocks and grass, you are a true stud mtber in my book. see pic below. I'm not good with words. the end of Vulture is fairly close to the end of SuperD. riding along that high fence, you'll come to a burned out car near the base of a dam for a stock tank. follow the fence on your left, up the steep grind to a deer stand and you're very close to Race Loop and Blue Loop, iirc. basically, after you do those two 3-footers on SuperD to the finish, the end of Vulture is about 100yds to your left. I think you can see the stock tank as your coming down SuperD. but now you've got me wondering about Full Commando. only done it once. isn't it somewhere below the 'chapel'?
  18. made it back up to RPR, today. only place I knew'd have perfect traction, despite the moisture yesterday. they're building another jump line, bigger than Patron, from the looks of it. maybe some day, but I don't even do Patron (because rolling jump lines is a waste of time) so it'd be a lonnnng way off. anyway, this is mostly Vulture. I don't think it gets a lot of traffic, except for races. it's just not what the kids are into, these days, but I love it. tried some off the bike shots to show how how steep it is. failed, as usual. but it's funny to see yourself in 3rd person. see all kinds of moves you're not even aware you're making. btw, this was also a test run of some riding pants I just bought: 100% Airmatic. worked great. zero binding, full freedom of movement. they even fit over my kneepads. much better than Peter Pan pants. great for really cold days. size chart was difficult to figure out, but I ended up just ordering a size up from what I think it said I should get, worked out perfectly.
  19. was gonna put these in the Shank thread, but they're kinda snooty over there. homemade chimichanga, with a sauce I picked up at Der Market in Red River, over Christmas. filled with pintos and some HEB roto chicken, cubed seasoned and reheated in a skillet with some cilantro and onion, then mixed with jack cheese and a little crema. as close as I could get to Chuy's version. sour cream because this is the first sauce I've ever bought in NM that I found to actually be hot. this was from that rainy weekend of Thanksgiving. wife's uncle lives in Lafayette and gave us a bunch of boudin. we hung out, talking food and cooking the whole time. with nothing better to do when I got home, I cooked up a some of red beans, collard greens (with the remaining ham hocks) and a batch of jambalaya. gave half the jambalaya to a neighbor, half the collards to my dad, but still had too much food, so I lived on variations of this for a week: RB&J
  20. bonus points for the Jungian thing, sir.
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