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Everything posted by Majorcholas

  1. Well there’s a reason he lost the qb1 competition
  2. Am I allowed to be gruntled and disgruntled simultaneously?
  3. Acho* “he doesn’t drop those often.”…continues to give two examples of him dropping them. Ugggghhhh
  4. Yup. Coaching 101. There’s a reason you practice the 2 min drill. You are prepared and they are on their heels. A timeout allows them to rest their defense and sub in the personnel they want. Gives bama coaches time to look at their tendency charts, etc
  5. Has to be a broken collarbone. Damnit. uggggghhhhhhh. We are cursed
  6. Don’t make us “Kenny Vaccaro” your ass again aggy!
  7. That is when I quit reading. Too vulnerable deep in quarters? Cue up the Jackie Chan “my mind is full of fuck” meme
  8. 2022 fall camp: wood grain grippin?
  9. It’s gonna be card! Season is over! Who’s the next coach??!!! herp a derp a derp
  10. Of course. It couldn’t possibly be that he’s an ultra talented speedy slot receiver, who can’t stay out of the doghouse, keeps getting suspended, and constantly a threat to transfer because of off the field shenanigans. I for one hope this is charge is about something stupid and he turns out to be a great asset.
  11. Aggy logic….. aggy - “how can anyone decide to go to stupid tu? They haven’t won anything lately? They must be buying everyone with NIL money!!!!” aggy signed number one class last year and haven’t won ANYTHING since WWII. (Besides wwii itself) and got called out by the biggiest “buying players program” ever in bama. Never change please!
  12. Can we please just NEVER chant SEC! SEC! SEC! Leave that shit for aggy
  13. I take back all the mean thoughts I’ve had about Melendez’s bat the last month. forgive me st. Augie
  14. He was there for sure last night!
  15. Wasn’t one of cdc’s biggest points that sark was gonna bring this crazy collection of assistants. You would think a DC would be an integral part of that. Right?!
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