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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by DDD Dad

  1. 5 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    We do our death spirals out on the ledge in these parts.  Come on over.  We have comfy chairs, whiskey, and we really, really, really dig Sela Ward.  But there's room for other tastes.  Maybe you dig on some other gorgeous brunette, and you're more of a beer fella.  It's all good.  So long as you think that humanity is embarking on another bout of "let's try multiple fascist states and nationalism-fueled wars that can engulf an entire continent for the third time in just over 100 years," you've got the credentials.

    I'll have a Redbreast and Ana de Armas, please.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Azbadlands said:

    I guess the one's they find across the border in Mexico are fake too?  And, all the stories the immigrants here in AZ have told are lies? 

    The Cartels are fricking animals.  A few years back they parked a Suburban on the Arizona side of the border loaded from top to bottom with freshly sawed off body parts...

    You think immigrant women mean anything to them?  They are just a piece of meat for them to use as they please when they can't pay for the trip across the border.  

    Workswithseed sock?

    • Hook 'Em 4
  3. Anyone else seen American Fiction?  Jeffrey wright was fantastic, and the whole movie was very entertaining. I laughed out loud several times. 

    Purely based on how much I enjoyed the watch I would give it the nod over the other nominees I’ve seen (Oppenheimer, Barbie, KOTFM, Maestro)

  4. 15 minutes ago, Longhorn94 said:

    What about NYS running his businesses once his licenses are forfeited. I would imagine the monitor / trustee would have an obligation to pay the judgment.

    If the judgment is against him personally then a receiver wouldn’t have authority to use company assets to pay the judgment (unless I guess if Trump were the sole owner of that company). 

  5. 20 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

    If he appeals, he has to put the cash in escrow, or post a bond. 

    So yeah, unless he prevails on appeal, she will collect. 

    I’m not familiar with NY law but most states do not require a bond or deposit  to appeal. That just prevents post judgment collection efforts on appeal. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 1 minute ago, fattyflattie said:

    Not really. I’d prefer taxes be much more equitable, and additionally believe people should educate themselves enough to know where it’s best for them to live.  If it’s worth it for a custodial engineer to move to Cali because of tax rates, good for them to earlier that and follow their dream of cleaning shit there.

     A board full of college educated professionals with enough free time to post at will happens to trend towards the top of the list, news at 9. Also, 1% to middle 60%?  Well done, Mr. clickbait chart.  



    • Haha 1
  7. 19 hours ago, Azbadlands said:

    Yeah, I claimed that, please educate me on how I'm not?  Between State and Federal income tax, sales tax, real estate tax, and whatever other tax they wanna stick to us, i'm paying a shitload of tax, and I claim 2 dependents for income tax and this past year I got exactly 0 for a tax return.  Everything I got back from the state for a tax return, went straight to the Fed to pay what I supposedly still owed them...



  8. 8 hours ago, GenXer said:

    Do you have a gin preference?

    I’m not a gin drinker but I suppose Tanqueray is the standard. I tried Esme gin and noticed a not insignificant flavor difference. Also, Tanqueray has 7% more ABV than Esme.

    Not really. Aviation is good and I’ve also used Bombay and beefeater. It’s not worth using expensive stuff like Hendricks IMO. 

    8 hours ago, G650 said:

    For a Negroni I wouldn't use Tanqueray. I'm sure DDD will chime in with his picks, but ive always found Gunpowder Gin and Anitca the best combination. Something like Junipero or Aviation could be good as well. The London dry gins are a little too bland for a Negroni in my experience

    So I stayed away from gin altogether for about 30 years after bad experiences at Debutant balls involving Tanqueray. 

    recently came to the conclusion that my issue wasn’t gin but tonic (and of course too much gin). 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  9. 12 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    Good info on the barrel. Maybe I shouldn't have got the 2-liter to make sure it fits in our garage fridge. Oh well. Most of the online aging recipes I've seen for the Negroni don't mention keeping the vermouth cool. One I found said age it for at most a month or so and then run it through a coffee filter into a container that can be kept (and refrigerated) indefinitely.

    I assume they're using Carpano Antica at Triozzi? Can I readily find it at Spec's or Pogo's or Total Wine? I was going to sneak out to pick up some campari and vermouth this afternoon. (EDIT: Looked at the menu and it appears they use Cocchi di Torino.)

    I know they carry it at Total Wine.  I can't recall if they have it at Spec's or Sigel's.  Medallion in Lakewood (on Live Oak at Skillman) has the best price in town by a lot (I think it's under or around $40 for the 1 L size) and the 750ml is at least that much most everywhere else.  Just don't buy all of them out from under me. :) 

  10. 22 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    Same. Can't remember if you've made it by Via Triozzi yet. By far the best Negroni I've ever had. In fact, in the last five minutes I just ordered a 2-liter white oak barrel for the house so I can try and age a Negroni like they supposedly do. It brings the "tartness" down.


    Yes and yes.  I was the one who told you to check with Resy (or Open Table whatever they use for their online reservations) to update for a better time.

    The key to a Negroni isn't aging it so much IMO but the brand of sweet vermouth.  Carpano Antica makes ALL the difference.  If I'm in a new (to me) bar or restaurant I'll ask what they have.  If no Carpano Antica (or comparable) I'll order something else.

    Also, lots of bartenders don't measure out the components, which can make a huge difference in the taste.  Too much gin or Campari will ruin the drink.  You can go a little heavy on the vermouth (which has a similar effect as aging it I suspect).

    Also this time of year I'll sometimes opt for a Boulevardier (but only if they pour with Rye) or what I call an Irish Negroni (swap Irish Whiskey for Gin).  Gives the drink a slightly softer and warmer flavor.

    Last thought about aging in an oak barrel is that you're going to want to keep that somewhere cool/refrigerator temperature.  Vermouth is like wine.  Once opened you need to refrigerate it or it will go stale pretty quickly.  


    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Gatorubet said:

    My point is, I do not have a duty to tell the court “I’ve heard some bad stuff about my client, and I think he might be lying about some things”. It is not my job to have a trial within the trial and render judgment on who is telling the truth.   

    TL: DR.   people don’t get that there are a large number of very nuanced and sophisticated duties owed to a number of people - duties that often directly conflict. 

    That is why lawyers have drug and alcohol and divorce problems greater than the average Joe

    Agree 100 percent with this.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Goredho said:

    Trump is the ultimate sovereign-none-of-your-rules-apply-to-me-citizen.

    I'm buying a round for the room if we get to see him tazed during a courtroom outburst.

    Negronis are currently my favorite cocktail.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Drool 1
  13. Just now, TwiceHorn said:

    Counter-counterpoint.  I mentioned that, specifically, and that it's in direct conflict with the duty to the client.  I know how I would navigate that most of the time, and you do too, but some lawyers are going to take a different tack and while we don't necessarily like it, probably wouldn't demand their disbarment, either.  It can be a close question.  Witness prep can get pretty sweaty sometimes.

    I guess I don’t see it as close a question as you’ve suggested. This reminds me of when the 11th circuit judge I clerked for swore me in to the bar (twice), he read me the oath, he repeated the part about candor two or three times. 

    (He was a hell of a guy)

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    That's fine, but I take issue with "higher standard."  The duty to the client is "fiduciary plus."  It's about as high a standard as the law recognizes.  The duty is express and explicit, not implied.  There are also duties of candor to the tribunal, among others, that are in direct conflict with the duty to the client.  In extreme cases, it can present quite a dilemma to the lawyer.

    Thankfully, most of us don't find ourselves in extreme cases and many of us avoid representations that would place us in them.

    I get that you don't like it.  I'm just providing context.

    Counterpoint—You cannot suborn perjury and owe a duty of candor to the court. 

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