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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nicole44

  1. Man did not think he would retire this soon. He was a formidable opponent. Like slaying the dragon so to speak and glad we were able to do that once. College football is ever changing and in some ways not for the better but damn he was good. Whether you like him or respect him or not, he will be missed, except by the schools that could never beat him. Across the landscape of football there hasn’t been in the last decade a coach or a team I wanted to beat more. Damn. Stunning news. Can’t believe Seattle fired Pete Carroll today. The fuck is going on??
  2. Man I remember that former aggy football player back in 2015 in Dallas. He had schizophrenia i think. he ran down some poor jogger on a trail with a machete. The eye witness accounts of that were something out of a horror movie. One witness said he hacked away at the victim (who died obviously) like firewood. Geez. Why did I have to remember that? Should not have gone looking for the news articles. Damnit. Sweet dreams. Nightmare fuel.
  3. It’s how serial murderers stay off the grid. Or so I’ve read…
  4. It’s too windy also. lol. But the weather watchers at the airport probably aren’t aware of how windy it is.
  5. There was a double murder in Georgetown but they caught the son who killed his parents. Cant claim that one either. lol.
  6. I check the news. I can’t claim responsibility as I had to take my mom to the ER. She has pneumonia. Sitting in the ER is super fun. I was on a whole other side of town man.
  7. Vrabel be great in San Diego. They have good pieces on defense. Just hire a good OC to handle the offense. It’s not a bad gig. I wouldn’t necessarily want to go back to the pats. A lot of the good beat reporters have said Bill is begging for his job. That’s desperation when you don’t even know who the QB is and bringing back Josh and Mike is all well and good but why would they want that same song and dance? Bill is just getting older and pissier. And that’s fair.
  8. He's too stealthy to get caught though. Just kidding. It’s likely a marauding band of traveling dentists 🦷. they are the real threat to downtown. It’s got to be dentists. Or hygienists. It’s a stressful profession. It’s probably what’s happening. Or anything other than the obvious culprit. Like bicycling jousters.
  9. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/crime/austin-machete-auditorium-shores/269-0a889f3d-06d5-4732-a6ce-6d070fa53c26 Machete attack…hopefully the victim survives.
  10. The Adams family will probably hire Gruden or some shit like that. It’s hard to imagine they’d go younger and innovative. They are probably still pining for Fisher. I can’t totally see them trying to hire Lane Kiffin. He fits their “aesthetic.”
  11. Fuck the Adams family. They wouldn’t know a great HC from their ass. Vrabel was saddled with Tannehill for 5 years. Tannehill. He’s a stop gap type QB or high end back up. He’s not a franchise guy. They had a bad season for sure but Vrabel is a good HC. Someone should snap him up as a DC so he can be on the coordinator rehabilitation track before landing another HC gig. He had Tannehill for five fucking years…the fuck.
  12. We are well positioned for a CFP run! Hope we continue to improve on our success from this past season. We just weren’t ready to win it all yet but we will be if we keep on this trajectory. We played pretty shitty against Washington and almost won. We have a bright future and unfortunately a target on our back as a new SEC member. We just need to focus on improving and cleaning up mistakes and find a pass rush and overall consistent QB play from game to game. We’ll be a force in the playoffs when we get in less than a year from now. 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼
  13. Washington defense is crazy. Played like they never saw the run in the first half.
  14. Stephen A Smith hanging with a bunch of Michigan celeb fans makes me want them to lose even more now.
  15. Do we need to defend her? I hate I have to do this every game. She’s had cancer and a stroke. Fucking a.
  16. Yes. If Penix were on tonite they start blowing past them. Many times this year watching the late Pac game I thought Washington was fucking done. Stick a fork in them and they rally and win. Leaving the other team to wonder what the fuck happened we just ran out of time and had a bad last series man.
  17. Adjustments. How do they work at the half? Oh yeah. I see I see.
  18. If they don’t and get behind look for the power to go out at NRG. Because I know Harbaugh did that when he was losing to his bro in the SB. He’s that crazy.
  19. Penix playing like ass and they still in it. I guess the ankle issue is causing some problems but it like doesn’t fucking matter. At some point they will just pull ahead. Like the tortoise and the hare.
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