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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nicole44

  1. We tried to warn people, my lovely and they wouldn’t fucking listen to our sage warnings. Looks like DeBoer has accepted if X sources are legit/accurate. We tried. It’s their funeral. I don’t drink anymore but will treat you to a steak dinner of “we fucking told yall so.”
  2. Since it bears on the playoffs. Thats a heck of a coaching job by Green Bay all things considered…
  3. I’m sure he will have help. He won’t deep around like Harsin did. Saban will have an office there. Sounds super fun! DeBoer should stay in Washington or got to Seahawks.
  4. Me too! @trophand I know what’s up! He will have 4 and 5 stars and shit and bag money. 💰 and damn. And he knows how to beat us.
  5. Since we are masters of flight aware and curtains and such: I don’t know what any of that shit means. Is that a regular flight or something we should track? Where are our flight people?
  6. Finebaum saying that DeBoer is very coveted and highly thought of and that would be his choice. Obviously I like DeBoer. I think he’s a badass but like I don’t want him at Bama. Mainly because he’d kill and destroy and keep the momentum high and there would be no awkward fall off or shitty season. He’s beaten Sark twice at Texas and he can hang with the newly fangled Big 10 in the playoffs. He will have the type of recruits at Bama that he’s never had a chance to coach in his life for the most part. It would be the best most solid pick. He’d be the slam dunk hire. Which is why I hope he stays where he is.
  7. I must be overtaken by some type of flu or something because Paul is growing on me a bit. I mean not so much I’d drown him in town lake but I’d push him in a fountain. If he’d cut the crazy ass callers he has a good program—like the reporters and such he talks to regularly. Those are good interviews. It’s the fan callers. I can’t take them.
  8. Jimmy sexton is at the Bama Athletic department today. Not surprising as he reps Saban but also pretty much every single top candidate as well. Saw that from a Bama insider I follow on X
  9. Finebaum saying he’s not in on Dabo. Yesterday’s news. Played the tiny protest at the statue with students shouting “anyone but Dabo.” Said his train has passed. He would like to see Sark or DeBoer.
  10. I respect someone who looks at themselves mentally and physically and the changing landscape of football that he doesn’t like or understand or want to compete with and bows out. Ya know?
  11. He said just five years ago he could stay up until two in the morning looking at film and such. Said it was near impossible to do that this past year and get up and be ready to rock and roll.
  12. I think he was struggling with it all this year and he said in the interview just now he was struggling with it right before he met with the team yesterday but is at peace with it. Truth all the changes in College football plus his age and the grind he wasn’t in it mentally and physically and he could hang it up. It was his mission to get as far as he could take the team this year. Thats what he told Rece and I am sure again though he didn’t say it in the interview there were other factors we all are posting about (NIL portal Texas/OU etc) Ross Dellenger thinks it will be DeBoer pretty much but he has no inside information.
  13. I have no doubt that played a role. But I do believe to an extent what he was getting at: that he’s doing the team and his job a disservice if he can’t burn the midnight oil like he was able to in years past and said it was a grind and a strain this year especially. He mentioned health but nothing specific but was quick to mention his wife is fine. Sounds like also they wanted a 2-3 years more commitment and he knew he couldn’t do it physically and mentally. Then you have UT and OU coming in, NIL and portal, realignment and expectations of the fans and his expectations of himself that he can’t live up to. He couldn’t commit for 2-3 more years he said so I wonder if 1 more year was also too much. Better to go out in the final four almost winning that one I guess than uncertainty for 2024 which would be just as hard if not harder than 2023 was for him.
  14. Saban with Rece Davis just now said at his age just couldn’t see adding more and more years head coaching to recruiting and continue on his same path he’s always been on. can’t do things the way he’s always done it and there’s never a good time to retire but he just couldn’t do things on the same level he’s been doing them and this year was a grind. He’s fine and Mrs Terry is fine (he is mainly worried about being able to keep up) and couldn’t withstand the season from a mental grind standpoint. Too much and too hard at his age. Felt he couldn’t burn the midnight oil anymore. Felt it was the right time since he couldn’t give what he’s been giving any more.
  15. Paul Finebaum’s show should be lit today apart from his usual “callers.” Love to see what scoop they have if any.
  16. Same. Bama gave me a beeper. But I told them if it was during my surly peak posting hours…I figure. I mean I’m doing important shit here.
  17. And it’s not like Washington has been fast to embrace NIL. Makes his job more difficult. Agree with what you wrote. I’d be nervous if I was a Washington grad/fan. Because he will get poached if they don’t start embracing the changes in college football. Dude can coach with what he’s handed but he would be deadly with a roster like Bama and on second thought I think he would be a terrible hire and they should go for Kiffin.
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