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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nicole44

  1. People keep trying to draw comparisons from Harsin to DeBoer it’s such a joke. Harsin was a Scientology weirdo. He did alright at Texas and he was good for Boise State but the career trajectory and wins and losses aren’t equal. Not even close. He didn’t want to gel with the boosters or highschool coaches or do all the things expected. He was a bad fit because he’s not a P5 (or whatever P3 now) HC. DeBoer wins everywhere he’s been and a winner will always fit in. If he wants to badly enough. Auburn is kinda a wreck how they have run things. Their AD is crazy and their BMDs are as meddlesome as ours. At least now we have ours under control.
  2. If it’s true that the Bama AD has had his eye on DeBoer for a couple of months at least—interesting how it worked out for them. I don’t see any of the other candidates having the temperament and steady going nature to work with Saban and the boosters. Kalen isn’t afraid of the shoes he’s filling. He can certainly deal with crazy Bama folks.
  3. If I am Washington I go grab Pete Carroll at least as a consultant. He still wants to coach. Fuck his desk job with Seattle. That would bring some excitement and buzz for a year or two. You just need him as a stop gap to grab the next up and coming coordinator/HC.
  4. It was never going to be Lame ass Kiffin or Dabo. Saban ain’t handing his efforts over to either of those clowns. DeBoer is better than Lanning. Sark would have been a contender if he were at some other school not Texas. This will be fascinating to watch DeBoer work with Saban because we all know he isn’t some silent type. He will help grease the wheels with boosters and with the recruiting side and probably give him a lot of great advice. Of all the names out there I figured DeBoer would be the slam dunk and guy most able to continue the path. Bama wasn’t going to wander around in the desert. Winning means too much.
  5. The issue is the rush…and all the speculation. It’s not clown show like aggie but Saban did them no favors there. Whether or not he was deciding until the last minute he left them holding the bag 💰 which is ironic. Just say we will have the HC announcement Monday. Oh well. Crazy. Jimmy Sexton working deals like a mofo.
  6. Lots of chatter about Atlanta looking at Vrabel. But most teams now want some kind of offensive young genius. Everyone going younger. Mostly.
  7. I just don’t get the Kiffin thing…but I mean if Saban has an office there now he would be the defacto HC for a few years…
  8. Yep. They were promoting this all yesterday. He wasn’t at the game last night…he gone I am guessing. Feel bad for Huskies fans.
  9. Just change thread title. It’s easier for people to follow and also read up to speed. Plus this is becoming a classic. Just keep it all together. Lurkers appreciate.
  10. This is underrated post! Need a coach with last name Bacon. And it’s perfect combo. Thought for sure they’d hire Vrabel. Wish Mayo and Kraft luck there. It’s less of a hard act to follow than Saban because Belichick has been bad since Brady left/exposed. Saban made the CFP. Almost made finals.
  11. These bastards I don’t care about the hooping man. I’m never going to make it past the next commercial break. If he’s there they would show him I guess. Unless he’s invisible.
  12. Sorry Michigan State that’s game! I’m so tired damnit. Go to other game damnit!
  13. Basically I am doing my part. I am staying up past my bedtime to see if Kalen DeBoer is at the Washington Basketball game in 39 minutes. I feel like Saban…I’m getting old. What happened to all of us since the Urban coach search days? Like 4 years ago I can stay awake no problem. Wtf!
  14. Mrs Doom will ❤️! On a related note I think one of your gourds might make a fine candidate for Bama’s open HC position. Are they still keeping on?
  15. I guess I understand the thought process behind Rees (Saban master of puppets)…not a ton of risk. If he fails swing big for next hire but if Saban is pulling the strings…
  16. Yes it does. A legend! I just need more time on X/Twitter to get to 200!!!! The future is fucking bright!
  17. This guy has 38k followers so maybe he’s legit? for comparison I have 110 and I know lots of things. I’m legit. 110 followers. Fuck ya!
  18. You are the reason the PAC fell apart. With your bedtime hours. If the Big 12 had merged with the PAC we’d be sitting pretty. But no, now we are in the SEC. Thanks lol.
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