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Certifiably Surly
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  1. They advised me the same. I said no, but maybe I should have?
  2. What the fuck does a band being booked have to do with the DA?
  3. I also wanted to get into any of the premium seating. Donated pretty aggressively (or so I thought) to get into a better timeslot (yesterday at 11:15 was where I ended up, so not great, Bob). Long story short, every single premium seat was taken by my timeslot. I was able to move down to better seats in the lower deck, but disappointed to say the least.
  4. If you pay me half of what the Foundation charges for parking, I'll let you in on a parking lot that is less expensive and closer than the Trinity Garage that you can pay to park on gamedays.
  5. You know you're from Central Texas when you actually HOPE it floods (in the right places).
  6. I remember wondering where they were last year
  7. Chicken and Sausage Jambalaya and Fried Chicken hits different here.
  8. Not sure if the video will load from here, so also posting an action pic of the Crawfish Bread. Not sure if you can get this anywhere but the festival (I’ve never found it outside the race track at JazzFest).
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