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Brian Fantana

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Posts posted by Brian Fantana

  1. 2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    But see the bold.  IF your goal is "drive all Palestinian civilians out of Gaza" - and let's be fucking clear, there are a metric shitton of voices in Israel, including voices in the gov't, who have openly stated that goal - then "starve them out" is an expected action in furtherance of that goal.  And if the people PREVENTING you from starving them out are aid groups, then it's a rational step to terrorize those aid groups into inaction.  You do that by killing them.

    Yep. And it's working. WCK is now going to be too afraid to operate in Gaza. It's a huge blow to Gazan aid overall and that's what makes me believe it's intentional.

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  2. 9 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

    If you want to convince me the IDF are targeting civilians, I think it would be stupid, for lots of reasons even down to the point of its just a waste of ammo. However, I am sure there is some of that. I understand the logic, there are Israelis who have a burning hate for Palestinians. I would not be surprised or shocked.

    If you think Israelis have a burning hate for aid convoys and want to destroy them, and they have no idea of the strategic implications of said targeting, then you've lost the plot. Or more accurately, you are probably an antisemite.

    I just rewatched the scene from Band of Brothers where Mularkey meets a Nazi soldier who grew up near him in Washington. They're shooting the shit, Mularkey leaves, next thing you hear is automatic gunfire (killing the unarmed German prisoners). We were still the good guys.

    The problem is this kind of thing happens with such frequency that at some point it becomes incredibly unlikely to be an accident. This is only the latest group of foreign aid workers and/or press to be killed by the IDF either negligently or intentionally since Oct. 7th. It just so happens that this time it happened to a US-based organization that is entirely above reproach.

    It's funny you say some of this when Netanyahu has repeatedly claimed to not give a single shit about the optics, and is pushing forward as fast as possible in order to keep his own ass in power and out of prison.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    Go back up this same page and carefully read both Anastasis's screenshot (#3560) and Hank's link to the Bellincat analysis (#3561). The quotes and analyses are why I can't fully rule it out as unintentional. Was it ordered by the highest echelons of the IDF? Likely no.

    Are there perhaps elements/individuals within the IDF who've been more than happy to either indiscriminately/recklessly kill (maybe even target) innocents? Well, we already have a fucking shitload of examples, including hostages themselves.

    This is also pretty much exactly what you get with an obligatory conscript army.

  4. Just now, statsman said:

    This is my usual approach- as a rule, I am slow to attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity. I apply this rule to all factions. 

    Yeah that's fair enough I guess. It just doesn't stand on its own two legs in my estimation. Especially when you consider they've been hitting foreign aid and the press for 6 months. At some point it stops being an accident.

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  5. It should be concerning to everyone that a country with deliverable nuclear weapons seems to be actively trying to isolate itself from the rest of the world at a record pace, while led by a PM that needs to stay in power to avoid prison.

    I feel like nobody is talking about this and it's been in the back of my mind for a while.

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  6. 31 minutes ago, statsman said:

    I think it was a horrible screw up. A screw up that was a result of Israel not being capable of completing their war goals. This war, where they attack Hamas in a populated area (where Hamas actually is), and chase all the people away to another area, where Hamas remnants then follow to regroup and prepare for the next attack, is a stupid, failed idea, and events like the WCK are inevitable. 
    Israel didn’t have the troops and willingness to really eradicate Hamas, in the time frame they have. They are trying to be clever, using advanced weaponry, where something closer to the Red Army taking Berlin was needed (and if you don’t have the manpower and will to do that, you need another strategic goal). 
    Looks like Hamas will be the winner, because Israel’s plan couldn’t achieve their goal, and Hamas will take over the West Bank in short order. I think things are about to really get ugly. 
    (PS- I think they need a new government, because a new strategic plan is needed, and new goals. The current one is a failure and sticking with it will just waste more lives). 

    The WCK vehicles were coordinating with the IDF, following an IDF approved route, and were in a de-conflicted area.

    You're embarrassing yourself by bending over backwards this far by trying to rationalize this as a mere mistake. Seriously, fucking stop. It's gross.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    I notice the people on the DT "news" thread who feel Israel can do no wrong are pretty quiet today.

    Makes you think about who else is quiet, yeah? For example, the current sitting President of the United States of America: Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

    You know, the same guy who heaped praise on Jose Andres and WCK for feeding Ukrainian refugees, and has notably not done so for his work in Gaza.

    I'm a big fan of a lot of stuff Biden has done, and that's why his unacceptably poor handling of this situation infuriates me and is going to hurt him (and not in an insignificant way) in the presidential election. Your head is firmly in the sand if you don't understand that. On this topic, he has been Coward in Chief and needs to do better NOW, not later.

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  8. 14 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    As an initial vocal supporter of Israel, I've avoided this thread for a while... but the truth can be ignored no longer. 

    As much as I want to support the idea of Israel, and I stand by my belief that there are/were many bad actors in the "ceasefire" movement capitalizing on anti-semitism, this shit cannot go on.

    What Israel is doing is inconceivable.  Most "normie Jew" support for Israel centers around the idea of a safe place for Jews, yet I cannot think of anything that endangers the future international prospects of safe Jews than the continued escalation of this conflict.

    Fuck Bibi.

    I still want to support the idea of Israel as well, it just doesn't have to be this way. It CAN'T be this way any longer.

    What you said in bold is spot on. Israel's actions are only going to make things worse in the long run for everyone which is what I've been trying to say all along.

    e: Also, you were always right about some bad actors using the ceasefire movement to further anti-semitism. It's just an unfortunate reality that we have to try and mitigate as much as possible.

  9. 2 hours ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    WCK does amazing work and knows what they are doing. That was a clearly marked aid convoy. There’s no acceptable explanation for this. 

    They really do. I hate this.

  10. 1 minute ago, shadow_operative said:

    dj burns is america’s player.

    I think he is a good contrast to what I was saying earlier about Edey...Burns is too fat to be a good rebounder but his post moves and touch are miles ahead of Edey, where Edey is more just huge without great moves/touch but he's so huge he's just naturally a great rebounder.

    That looked like a clean block

  11. 5 minutes ago, deadshank said:

    You’ve labeled his game as unremarkable and his skills as middling.  He put up remarkable numbers and dominated his tourney games despite your low rating.  

    Also, you did not answer the question but you came back with a bitchy post as if I had the audacity to question your point of view.   

    The question remains.  

    It's a dumb question. Anyone would take advantage of what he brings.

    His skills are demonstrably middling. He can't dribble, he can't shoot, his touch on any shot that isn't a dunk/layup is laughable, and he is a below average FT shooter despite literally living there. He's not even a good defender outside of being so large that his personal gravity by itself just prevents driving to the basket.

    On the other hand, he's athletic, smart and knows how his bread is buttered. His post moves aren't advanced or remarkable but he uses the ones he has effectively, most of the time. And he knows he can get away with more contact than most bigs.

    Regardless, his game is entirely predicated on him being able to overpower anyone who's guarding him because he's 7'4" and weighs 300 pounds. If he were a normal sized big he'd be completely unremarkable in every way and I absolutely stand by that.

    It's horrible to watch as a fan.

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