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Everything posted by TheRRKid

  1. I’m pretty sure he performed at Longhorn City Limits or whatever they call that on the LBJ lawn. His performance was mostly his entourage rapping along with Nelly shouting every fifth word. Nelly did mention at one point that he was born in Austin so we have that going for us
  2. I think Oregon entered the Union with a black exclusion law. Weird angle for them to take.
  3. Google basketball bone bruise injuries
  4. I’ve read that the serious stuff has been ruled out for Disu and it is a bone bruise. Seems like they gave him a chance to play through the pain yesterday. Looks like the best thing at this point is dress him tomorrow just in case but plan to win without him and see what he can do with a week of rest in Houston
  5. Miami was draining logo 3s all game. That’s gotta cool. They were also getting too many dunks and layups on cuts. We should be able to reduce those
  6. Fresno is like College Station in terms of desirability. That’s like saying Aggie coaches should do more being so close to Houston
  7. I haven’t seen any of them discuss the other eyebrow raising part of the press conference which was when Jimbo seemed frustrated by how quickly the job of a head coach has changed over the last couple of years. He sounded unwilling to understand and meet the new challenges and it seems like a bigger sign that the end is near than the offense question chafing. Their sudden recruiting nosedive and head scratching lack of portal activity along with the seemingly genuine cluelessness of how to even talk about NIL combined with Jimbo’s bristling about how the job has changed are major red flags for ags
  8. Enjoying this ride, thank you Double D
  9. Am I not remembering correctly or was a scooter accident + injury mentioned for Murphy?
  10. We should also factor in the players we kept in this free-agent type era
  11. Will any of them be smart enough to ask why they were told for the past year that this would be a small class when there is no limit on initial counters?
  12. They just put 5-7 with a loss to App St on film for the world to see but it’s negativity on message boards that’s sinking their recruiting. Riiight
  13. Using the Googles it seems that Andy Ludwig is from Utah, first coached with Whittingham in 92, and spent the previous 2 decades climbing the P5 ranks to varying degrees of success. A&M can and will make him say no to a lot of money but he seems like a guy who is at home, on the back side of his career, and coaching with a friend
  14. They’ll pull off one they shouldn’t and will irritate us all. They do it every year. Look out Bama, LSU, or Tennessee. 8-4
  15. This video emphasizes choosing a school based on their history of developing NFL talent at your position. Stewart, a WR, chose A&M and shared this video
  16. Karic too. I believe the discussion here is about the 2-deep
  17. Can we get Hunter’s cramping figured out? He’s left every game I’ve watched in the second half to get his leg worked on
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