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Posts posted by Dropout

  1. 3 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    If you believe that the nomination should be based on the will of democratic primary voters, then handing the nomination to a candidate that drastically trails the leading candidate in votes would be theft.  I could see how an authoritarian like yourself could disagree with that premise though.

    There’s only one person even fighting for your vote. It’s not complicated.

    • Like 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, Dirk X West said:

    “We’re very opposed to the authoritarian nature of Cuba, but you know, it’s unfair to simply say everything is bad..."


    Contradict this with Bloomberg refusing to call Xi a dictator in the largest openly Communist regime in the world. Or Trump sucking Uns balls. And we are supposed to give a fuck about Bernie's comments on Castro?

    Take the hypocritical double standard comments and blow em out the ass.

    • Like 3
  3. 20 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    bernie is just finding people’s problems and basically offering them future money to support him. Don’t get me wrong it’s a powerful message that will continue resonate as American becomes poorer.

    So our point here Eddie is that this happens. Republicans and Democrats find people’s problems and offer them solutions in return for money to support them. Billionaires own politicians. This is it.

    • Like 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, Kermit said:

    “How much is this shit gonna cost?” That’s a question I haven’t heard in a long time. 


    2 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    His comments yesterday contradict that report. He flat out would not say what the costs would be. Flat out refused. He can't, we don't have that kind of money.

    Followed with a we don’t have that kind of money. Ok boomer.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 minute ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    We don't ?  Well Bernie must feel a lot of people do or he wouldn't worry about divulging the costs of his programs. You can say not doesn't matter all you want, his lack of comment on the topic says otherwise.  but hey you keep fingers in your ears.

    A good leader adequately silences critics with actual thought. I know it’s been awhile for you. Not a lack of comment guy.



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  6. 1 minute ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Sure I will as soon as Bernie divulges the costs for his free for all plans.. Let's stay focussed here....  If the concept was dead he'd have no problem telling everyone what it will cost.

    It is dead. So we don’t give a fuck about your shit framing. Your way of thinking is done. Adapt or don’t idgaf.

    • Like 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    I see multiple references by Bernie Bro’s to either not caring at all about the costs of his proposed programs, or generic references to there being plenty of money to afford all of it by re-allocating from the military budget, etc.

    These same Bro’s rail against other candidates and dipshit Trump for lying and being disingenuous with voters. Yet, there are massive questions about how his taxes, programs, and re-allocation of funds will truly impact citizens at each income level.

    His rhetoric is all about corporate greed and billionaires, but the reality is that these programs will touch a very big percentage of the population, with a lack of clarity about how much.

    Trumpers and Republican voters deserve nothing but disdain for their disgusting behavior. But telling voters about all of these wonderful things they will get without clearly articulating how much it will really cost them is pretty disingenuous too. Right now, even Moderate Democrats believe his proposed policies are fantasy. That’s a pretty big indictment.

    So my question to the Bernie Bro’s is this. You are obviously passionately supporting him. Is it because a) you really don’t care if there are major new costs to a significant percentage of the population because you resonate with the concept of spreading the wealth? b) you believe the cost to all people below $100k in income will be modest? c) you just like his ideas and want to see something/anything implemented to offset the terrible policies of the rich in the past, and figure that the costs issue will just get worked out somehow, or d) something else?

    Def b and c. I do not believe there will be major new costs to a significant percentage of the population. That is how unbalanced the scale is. America doesn’t worry about costs when we want to go to war and start some killing. I won’t allow costs to make me believe we can’t do good for people instead.

    Any costs to individuals that may actually feel it will be offset by the uplifting of an entire society by helping those that need it have access to things like healthcare and a higher education. That’s even if he can enact any of these proposals. He is the best shot though.

    Idk if that was an answer you were looking for. Ask away.

    • Like 2
  8. 14 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    Ignoring the selection of majors (hot topic), you might say that once a family has its first college graduate, the benefit of that investment can be paid forward. But it would be difficult to do so if the student was saddled with debt. That is the conundrum, and once for profit universities figured out they could turn what was once considered a public benefit towards equipping promising citizens for a robust economic creative future into a financial gold mine, it went sour for many Americans.

    It's time for a reset and a frank discussion about higher education, well actually, all education in America.

    Hits close to home. Teardrop.


    Would one contribute more to a society let alone their family as let’s say an aerospace engineer or throwing some boxes in a warehouse playing cards in between?

  9. 15 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    Yeah, please mock the only high profile guy actively working to turn Texas blue from the ground up.

    Texas is like all other states - don’t fuck with one of our own.

    If Bernie wants a chance at turning Texas blue him and his supporters better be sucking up to the Betocrats.

    Imagine being so dumb that you think Trump losing Texas to any Democrat would make Beto mad.

    I’m sure they’ll team up at some point. My first vote in my life was for Beto. I can live with that.

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