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Planet Houston

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Everything posted by Planet Houston

  1. If we are going to make it July 30, it should be July 31. I agree with having it a bit later than the ASG.
  2. Probably a buzzer with a ball magnet in it. /Helo and the rest of the idiots/
  3. Very nice. I seem to be in the minority but I actually like the X7 headlights. I think they work much better on the X7 than on the 7 series. I test drove one last week and it’s awesome. Going to wait for a ‘24 build at this point, they’re supposed to start in April for May/June delivery.
  4. Yankees too high. They fucking suck. Oh and that Montas trade is looking great. But not as great as the sweet taste of your tears.
  5. Sorry, was being lazy and that was easier to type than “his light had been red for an extremely long time.”
  6. Thanks man. Sucks to lose that Bronco, but at the end of the day it’s just stuff. My relief of my wife or kids not being in the passenger side waaaaay outweighs my disappointment in losing the Bronco. But it does suck.
  7. No, my light was very green. You can't see the lights in that video. I think the last car before him to go through the intersection that direction ran a yellow/red. The truck turning left saw me coming and was waiting. The driver of the pickup is an assistant DA and verified 100% that our light was green, and the Lexus ran the red by several seconds. He's going so much faster than me that it probably does look like my light is the red one from that video, but I can assure you (as can the multiple witnesses, which is reflected in the police report) that his light was extremely red.
  8. Only posting this because I was the driver of the Bronco. It was definitely a holy shit moment. Fuck this guy. I never saw him. I didn’t even see my light turn from red to green, that’s how long his red light was stale. He went to the hospital after the wreck but the cops better have drawn his blood. I miraculously walked away with nothing more than bruises and scrapes. Even luckier that my wife and kids weren’t in the car, because it’s a different story if they were. IMG_5037.MOV
  9. I dislike Elon Musk so much that I will never buy a Tesla. Maybe that’s irrational, but fuck him. My wife had an XC60 before her Q7. Again, fine, but not really want I want.
  10. What do you mean by “no”? No inventory, or don’t buy them? And where are you? Audi isn’t on my list bc my wife has a Q7. It’s fine but not what I want.
  11. Defender 110 should probably be on the list. Goddammit. It was so easy with the Bronco. But that ship has sailed now, I’m not getting back in line or paying $10k over MSRP again. And the fact it was flipping in my wreck spooks me. Ugh.
  12. X7 is mental leader of the pack. GV80 is out, although it is very nice on the interior and is a good looking SUV. Just doesn’t quite have it - several little things bugged me with the test drive. And if I’m going to spend that much, I don’t know that a souped up Hyundai makes a lot of sense.
  13. Ugh. I had a year-old new Bronco that just got totaled when an asshole with no license and no insurance blew through a red light and broadsided me on the passenger side (thank god). I am very lucky to have walked away fine, and even luckier my wife and kids (8-yo twins) weren’t in the car. I also would have flipped but for rolling into an F-150 waiting to take a left going the opposite direction on my street. Oh and this happened all of 5 blocks from my house. So with all that being said, I think I’m in the market for a safe, luxury SUV. Not sure I need a full-size model as long as I have a tow hitch - we have a great trailer-mounted tray and bag that solved long trips with the smaller cargo space of my Bronco - so I’m looking at mid to large luxury SUVs that are above all safe. Performance is important-ish, I certainly don’t want to be driving a 4 cylinder, but I’m also not looking to break the bank to upgrade to souped up models of the below ideas I have. What say you, Shaggy? What I’m currently contemplating is Tahoe/Yukon, Escalade, X5/X7, GLE/GLS, GV80, XC90, Range Rover Sport, Expedition, Navigator. I left off several I know, and that list is a bit all over the place, but curious what y’all think.
  14. I’m on record saying the Texans won’t win shit while the McNairs own the team. But this miiiiiight be the right hire to get them the fuck out of the way and let a football team be a football team.
  15. Altuve is the best Astro ever. Period. As a kid / high schooler growing up with the Killer B’s, he’s my favorite Astro hands down.
  16. Back to back days in south Louisiana…quite the difference but four of us limited both days. Nice end to duck season.
  17. Yeah, we’re gonna need the Surly poster for this one to step forward:
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