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Planet Houston

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Everything posted by Planet Houston

  1. His answer should be “Shift Happens.” FUCK I’m way too late on this idea to mass produce these bumper stickers. But I like it.
  2. So if the Yankees win tomorrow, should we all pretend the 2020 ALCS never happened? They wouldn’t have made it either.
  3. I know, that’s when I quit. This win deserved it. Fuck Pat D Stat, fuck the A’s.
  4. It’s been a while for this one. Fuck off A’s.
  6. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/05/republicans-dread-coronavirus-infections-426351
  7. ^^ but also, an empty White House and OEOB the past four years would have been a lot more productive than what we got. So, no biggie.
  8. Correa cannon. Whew. Now let’s get some action on the basepaths.
  9. I’m attending a virtual series on the election with Meacham and Dean Geer of Vanderbilt. First one is next Wednesday. Should be fascinating.
  10. Wow. He can’t condemn white supremacy. ”Proud Boys - stand back and stand by.” That’s in-fucking-sane.
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