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Planet Houston

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Planet Houston

  1. John Cornyn Roger Williams Eveyone on the Texas Freedom Caucus
  2. Harrison and Espy got my money today. Let’s keep this going motherfuckers.
  3. Well, I know for a fact that Texas Medical Center is not allowing their front line workers to take a vaccine that is rushed to market and doesn’t go through Phase 3 trials. I don’t think anyone will be taking a vaccine in October.
  4. I’m not so sure. Assuming that the Dems actually sweep the elections in November, one could argue that it took Trump to rip off the band aid and show the country (i.e., the average voter that doesn’t tune into politics) how corrupt and deplorable the Republican Party is at its core. Trump is not the root of the issue with the Republican Party - he is the weed that sprouted from seeds that were planted decades ago. If the Republicans had managed to hide the roots with another dressed up candidate that says yes ma’am and yes sir, then we would all be subject to this shit for a lot longer. Just not so out in the open. This hopefully ensures that shitstains like our two senators, and those that follow in their footsteps, never get real power again. Now, the Democrats aren’t perfect, but that’s a discussion for another day. But at least we have a chance with them.
  5. With the potential asterisk of Kelly’s election and filling the seat before December if they wait for post-election lame duck ramming.
  6. Yes you can manually allocate however you wish. I should have been more precise in my description - the default is to evenly allocate your donation to a certain number of races (not sure how that is determined) but it’s good to use as a starting point and re-allocate however you wish. edit - holy run-on sentence, sorry
  7. This is what I donated to last night. They strategically allocate your donation to the most important senate races. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/getmitch
  8. This makes me sad. All of it. Lost a great woman, lawyer and advocate - demons gained a foothold.
  9. Exhibit A: http://shaggytexas.com/board/
  10. I can live with this loss. AD went off, their defense ran us off the line all night and Westbrook was fucking terrible. And we still were in it till the end. Adjustments will be made. This is going 7 IMO.
  11. Rockets looking like the Lakers did down late in Game 1. Packing it in for the next game.
  12. Please come back. Good things happen when you post here.
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