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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by SquishMitten

  1. 43 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Congress is closer to passing more sanctions on Russia now.

    Of course this would just be another cover to excuse GOP congressmen from holding Trump accountable.

    The same way the first round of sanctions was.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there some sanctions Congress passed that are still sitting on a shelf somewhere because Trump hasn't implemented them yet? 

  2. 5 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I imagine it would be difficult for any objective observer that didn't watch it with the predetermination to be willfully blind to view Strozk as the nefarious actor yesterday.

    fify. You don't even have to be objective. You could have favorable views of Trump/GOP. Anyone who isn't an ostrich with their head in the sand should be able to agree with your statement.

  3. 1 hour ago, Longhorn94 said:

    Strozk destroyed Gowdy and in doing so, destroyed the entire preposterous idea that the investigation is tainted.

    First part of this is true. Second part should also be true, but we all know it isn't. If that clip was put on repeat 24/7 on every channel for the next week, there would still be a large portion of the population that would: a) dismiss it outright, b) pretend they never heard it, or c) completely forget they heard it as soon as they tuned into Fox News and hear some dipshit say the investigation was tainted.

  4. M80s are awesome. We used to put them in beer bottles for a fun experiment with shrapnel, which naturally evolved to beer bottles with flammable liquids. Very disappointed this idea had never come to mind, but I'm absolutely doing it next time I have some.

  5. Times have changed. There was a priest at my high school in the 1980s who was a known molester. It was practically in the student handbook -- watch out for Father Tampa (not his real name), he gon' try to suck your dick -- but people just looked the other way, because he was a priest. It is really fucking weird, looking back on it. 

    Ya know, I think this is a situation where you can use his real name.
  6. I’m not grasping that Iranian story. So allegedly, Obama granted citizenship/green cards to a group of Iranians as part of JCPOA. The Iranians are upset about this? Or Trump is upset about this? And who wants them deported “because they’re working against the interests of the country?”


    The article reads like these Iranians who were allegedly granted citizenship are working for US interests, in opposition to Iran’s interests. Am I reading that wrong? And why does Trump want them gone? I’m so confused. That’s either a terribly written article, or I haven’t had nearly enough coffee yet.


  7. I wonder if Mueller ever thinks to himself, "I'll never finish this b/c there are too many crooked assholes in DC"?

    The George RR Martin of investigators, IMO. We all figured out the ending so now he has to get more side-stories to keep us excited through the last few chapters
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  8. As I've maintained throughout every incarnation of the Bidet Threas, the only drawback to the bidet is that you'll begin to fall behind on your magazines. 

    You’re doing something wrong. Bidet provides the luxury of an extra 20-30 seconds of readin time while you gyrate your hips for maximum cleanliness
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