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Posts posted by SquishMitten

  1. On 5/30/2018 at 6:40 AM, SHOOTER12 said:

    True or not?   I don't know, but one report yesterday stated that the folks upstairs were on a separate balcony and could on reach (around?) enough to just hold the child in place.

    That's what he said when interviewed. There's a barrier between the two patios. Said he could only reach out far enough to help support the kid's weight, but he wasn't confident enough in his own strength/hold to pull the kid up without risking the kid losing his grip. That dude is probably more responsible for saving the kid's life than the climber because that kid probably couldn't have maintained his grip alone for that long. The climber still gets more credit in my book since he actually risked his own life, but balcony dude deserves more praise than he got.

  2. On 5/30/2018 at 12:26 PM, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    What happened to you in the South of France?

    Nothing in particular. I just found them to be an unfriendly people. Although it was my first time in France, I'm still passable with the language...not fluent enough to have any deep conversation, but it's good enough... I actually sat in a tiny pub one night where they were playing trivia. I was the only native-English speaker, but I still managed to provide my team a few correct answers without them translating. I only point that out because I've been led to believe the language barrier is their biggest point of contention with tourists (i.e., Americans just assuming everyone else speaks English). Even though I don't fall into that category of tourist, I still felt about 25% of my interactions were a pure annoyance to them. I travel to Europe quite a lot, and I've never experienced any feelings of unwelcomeness before...at least nothing memorable enough to be more than an afterthought.

    I also didn't particularly enjoy Nice and the surrounding areas. There just wasn't enough to see and do, and I find sitting around "relaxing" to be extremely unpleasant.

  3. Just for kicks, aggy is the first sec school st 71-80. But to be fair, Texas is the only big 12 school in the top 80 as well. 
    Pac and b1g and acc plenty represented. 

    Probably an online voting portion that contributes to the rankings. Aggy came in first there so it bumped them way up.
  4. keep an eye out on flying into london even when using points, not sure if it's like this with all airlines but american/BA charge insane fees even when paying for the fare with points (been a few years since i experienced/researched it so could be old news)

    I did not have that problem using my Chase sapphire fees.
  5. On your list, London is the best option with the kid. All those cities have a lot to see, but the kid will have more familiarity with what you’ll see in London due to school, movies/TV, and general culture so it’ll be much more engaging/memorable. Rome would probably be second on the familiarity-scale, but I don’t particularly like it there...but that’s probably because if I’m in Italy, I’m not happy unless I’m in Florence.

    Paris, maybe. I’ve never been, but I just spent a week in the South of France so I have nothing particularly great to say about them right now.

    Amsterdam...don’t waste that trip by taking along a kid. Just got back from there today and I wasn’t anywhere close to ready to leave. The drugs/whore stuff is only a tiny bit of what the city has to offer, but those are things you wouldn’t want to have to pass up because you didn’t feel comfortable strolling your 12 year old through the red light district.

  6. I was referring just to the first book.  It's been a several years since I read it.  If I remember correctly, I thought the first third or so of the book was tough to get through.  But once you got a sense of the main characters  then things picked up quickly and I couldn't put it down.    Since you've already gone through it once.   I'd say look at a wikia/reading guide for that book to to get the main stories/arcs.   Then try and listening/reading it again and see if that helps you enjoy it more.

    Thanks. I’m going to step away for a while and try again when it’s not quite so fresh on the mind. Still a little scared from all the re-listening. Had a lot on the mind with life lately so that probably didn’t help my focusness.
  7. 7 hours ago, EvilCaseMcCoy said:

    You need to hold that dog down and show him who's alpha.  That's your wife, not the sire's wife.  He would challenge you if he believed you were the real alpha.

    You have to pee on him. Or on the wife. Either should do the trick.

  8. On 5/14/2018 at 11:50 PM, Sam Lin said:

    Maybe he wanted it in a high visibility area in case someone tried to steal the truck or trailer?

    Truth. He could get a pass from me if I knew what he was hauling. I'll give a lot of leeway to trailers in a motel parking lot. It doesn't hurt anyone else to have to walk a little farther. 

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