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Posts posted by SquishMitten

  1. Man, HR block software blows. Total beating trying to get my credits and deductions, especially for child care. I kept saying I had child care expenses, and it would say something like “you’re not eligible for that shit.” Eventually figured out how to manually search for the form to be able to enter it. Would’ve owed an extra grand-ish if I hadn’t spent an hour figuring out how to navigate that garbage software. Wife had a single payment from TWC last year as well which their system apparently can’t handle. Same kinda thing, searched manually for the form, but a 1099(something) in their system only allows for state tax refunds, not unemployment checks (no fields available to enter the data). So now I assume I’ve greatly increased my chance of getting audited because I didn’t report some income. Dicks.

  2. Can’t tell what it is, but doesn’t look like an oak. If it was, you wouldn’t have anything to worry about. If you can figure out what type of tree it is, that will likely answer your question on whether it will be able to support itself indefinitely.

    If you have kids, you could cleverly disguise some support for it. Build a real sturdy ladder that braces the tree right where the branches split. Then build a platform or a small enclosed treehouse. Just make sure the house supports itself rather than the tree taking the weight as that would be counterproductive.

  3. Think that’s kinda the problem. It’s been said multiple times that there’s no one we’d like to see him replaced by. And a democratic election at this point is entirely unrealistic. They’re in the midst of a civil war, and we just have to let them duke it out and see where the chips fall.

    I’ve seen comments, probably tongue-in-cheek, that we “just want Assad to massacre civilians in a more civilized way,” but the simple truth is a government is naturally going to have a huge military advantage over a civilian revolt. We won’t get directly (heavily) involved, but intervening to enforce international law re: chemical weapons is a priority for many reasons.

  4. Slightly off topic, but seeing a lot of new photos of Cohen made me realize he also wears terribly fitting suits. What the hell is it with these guys’ fashion sense? At this rate, it’s only a matter of time before they’re going to be wearing tan.

  5. Totes normal. Definitely not wagging the dog.   



    Edit: My quote didn’t capture the tweet I’m referring to. It was about Trump asking his legal team about the strikes in Syria.



    Original post...

    To be fair, there is a significant legal question involved when choosing to strike a country without Congressional approval. Between having very few advisors left, and only trusting a fraction of those, it’s not the most outrageous idea for him to speak to his attorneys.


    Now, do I think that’s why he asked them? Probably not. But this revelation ranks near the bottom of issues I have right now.


  6. 13 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    I'm not sure that Dems are playing this the wrong way.  Yeah, they are pussies, but when your opponent is making a mistake, it's often best to get out of the way.  Their actual power is very limited right now.  If you get out there vocally but can't actually do anything, you run the risk of being lumped in. 


  7. 19 hours ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    I'd love to see the price sheet for paying people off. Is it rated differently by male vs female? Minorities get less? 30k for silence, 130k for a Trump fuck and silence. Is there a combo deal for a fuck, pregnant, abort and silence? 



    19 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    You in the market?

    If you have to ask, you can't afford it

  8. Who else thinks the housekeeper story was leaked by Trump’s people to distract from everything else?

    I would say no, but it works. Everybody keeps saying “Story X would be the biggest story ever in any other administration...” But with the way news currently works, having a new story out every day or two means very few stories ever hang around long enough to gain real traction. For the large percentage of the population that gets their news exclusively from Fox, a story that only hangs around for 48 hours never gets a mention. Presumably, they’d eventually have to address something like getting your maid pregnant if everybody else was covering it for weeks, but if everyone else has moved on, they can just skip it.
  9. I'm over snakes.  Our farm is overrun with rattlers, and I will kill them on sight.  It's just a matter of time before one of us gets nicked. Last Saturday, I went to turn on the water and one of the lil fokkers was coiled up in the meter box.  First time I've ever killed one with a water turnoff key.  If it had not been unseasonably cold, probably would have bitten me.  

    Get a cat. Or import some coach whips and other rattle-eaters. We’re lucky(?) enough to be damn near overrun by them. Those bastards are like lost puppies. Last summer, my mother would come out and find one on her porch rocker every morning. They’d relocate him, and he’d find his way back in a day or two. A stone cold killer tomcat took up residence towards the end of the summer and they haven’t seen a snek since.
  10. 3 hours ago, Schnitty3 said:

    Have 2 big dogs and a back yard that is mostly dirt. Also is heavily shaded. Is there anyway something could grow out there or am I SOL?

    I resodded my entire yard with St. A when I moved in. Two big dogs, two kids constantly running around, and none of the yard sees more than 1-2 hours of direct sunlight per day. If you keep it watered well enough to get established, you'll be mostly alright. The dogs are going to create paths and several dead spots where they lounge around, but most of the yard will hold up.

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  11. 27 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    I'm not sure, and I'm not going to look it up, but I have some vague recollection that the federal statute allows a quo warranto suit to be brought directly to the Supreme Court, and I don't think the Supreme Court has discretion not to take it (as it does in other appeals, which require a writ of certiorari).  

    Regardless, I can't imagine the court would refuse to take it up even if they had the discretion not to. It would be one of the most impactful rulings in our nation's history. The only way I could see them passing would be "this is too big for us because the judiciary would essentially be picking the President" (or at least narrowing it to a very small pool).

  12. 46 minutes ago, hpslugga said:

    It's very likely a political question.

    I don't know if "political" is the best description. It should be a plain-reading question. But I would expect it to come down to a determination of "intent," which is a woefully inadequate word for this particular issue. One one side you have what GoLL said, that it doesn't jive with separation of powers. On the other, it seems contrary to our country's basic ideals for a non-elected official (i.e., a political appointee) to sit the office of President. I'm nowhere near familiar enough with the leanings of the current SC to say which way I expect it to go.

  13. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Mueller has done a lot of work on mafia cases.  TV tells me that a lot of mafia cases play out by getting lower-level guys to flip on upper-level guys.

    I almost typed a very similar response, but I think his point is in reference to this being a raid on an attorney rather than a street dealer. There's a massive difference in that. For now, I'm really hoping the basis for the warrant/raid is indisputable, and we have no reason to believe it isn't. If not, we should all choke back our urge to vomit and agree with Trump that it's BAD!

    • Like 1

    2 hours ago, Buzzrock said:


    It would help if the investigation would actually produce something. The longer it goes on with nothing really happening the less people care. There’s a saying in sales, “Time kills deals.” The longer nothing happens then the more people think there’s nothing there and that nothing will happen.

    Not everyone has the time or inclination to study this stuff on a daily basis.

    That’s why I think that if a) the economy is still humming and b) the investigation is still dragging on, Trump will get elected for a second term.


    Not saying you're wrong, but you're being a bit shortsighted. People may have lost interest for the time being, but if Mueller does come out with something big, that interest would be immediately renewed. It's not like sales. Mueller isn't going to shut down the investigation because the general public has lost interest.

    As for reelection...hell I don't know. I can't imagine the investigation going that long without us knowing one way or the other. What are we, about 25% of the way through? And there's been a shitload more indictments/arrests/stories than there were at this point in any similar historical investigation. Even if we don't have a smoking gun by election time, that's a whole different animal. People watch debates (or at least get recaps on them), see commercials, and just hear more political shit in general. The insanity that currently gets glossed over because there's too much to cover in a daily newscast will be more highlighted come election.

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