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Everything posted by AUS-97HORN

  1. I mean thats fucking bullshit. their defense only gave up 25 points total in 5 quarters, had four 3 & out's another 4 & out and intercepted the ball at the Chiefs 44, helped force 5 fucking fumbles, including one they recovered at their own 8. I mean, the 49ers defense was a main fucking reason that game was tied at 19 going into the OT. that being said, sounds like Dallas should hire him
  2. its not like they will have a port to launch anything out of on the black sea anyway anymore. even if russia ends up in a treaty with Crimea, their bases on the peninsula have proven to be completely exposed. even if Ukraine is forced to give it up, Ukraine has learned how to play Russia's game against them, just have a rogue group "not at all affiliated with Ukraine" that just happens to make drone attack boats that keep attacking the Russian ships every month or so. when Russia complains that they have been attacked, Ukr just shrug their shoulders and say the Ukrainian military has nothing to do with these breakaway drone terrorists.
  3. its almost like the idea that we have AT LEAST 4 fucking games next year against a top 25 pre-season team, might, you know, have something to do with our being ranked #4. and maybe Bama wont be as dangerous without Saban, and maybe ou sucks donkey balls against us, but we would still have games against Georgia and aggy. we could run the table. but 1 loss against GA, or Bama and we wont be ranked any higher than 4 going into the playoff anyway. The good news is losing 2 isnt the death sentence it used to be before. If our 2 losses were GA and Bama and we won all the others, we have a pretty strong case to still make the playoff as long as those losses werent TCU or Fl St beatdown levels bad.
  4. tangentally related since Hungary is still causing issues. turns out that the Hungarian people dont take too kindly to their (mostly) ceremonial President pardoning a guy who help shield a child abuser. Shes a very strong Orban ally. But she resigned on live TV today so far this pardon scandal has taken down 3 of Orban's key Lieutanants.
  5. well, that and the guy (or gal) who keeps insisting (correctly) on visually inspecting the stuff and overriding the rig boss that it has to be approved first, are the first person fired the moment the company needs to do layoffs, or even if they dont "need" to do them but want to get rid of PITA QA sticklers that waste time and money. its literally the issue with MBAs in charge of safety inspections instead of Master Engineers. One is more interested in saving a half of shift of down time to make an extra $30k in earnings that day, while the other is trying to make sure a $1B investment doesnt kill 300 people
  6. There is a damn good chance that 90+% of the rest of country hears that and only thinks of California, Florida, Puerto Rico and Hawaii. Hell I would bet a large sum of money, if you ask 1,000 Bostonian's, " Is Boston Harbor a warm water harbor" at least 90% of them are going to answer fuck no, its cold as shit.
  7. thats because there isnt a single battle campaign Americans have ever been in (except the Civil War when we were fighting each other), in which 15% of the total deaths in a war came from that first campaign: Both countries had just technically become semi-independent nations in 1901 and 1907, and Galliploi gobsmacked the shit out of the 2 countries. It took more than a week for the first casualty numbers to get back to Australia and they became a fucking torrent over the next 2 weeks. To try to give some equivalence to show the impact on the U.S: U.S. had a little over 400k battle deaths in WW2.... We would have had to have had 55,000 men killed (not wounded) at either Pearl Harbor (2,400) or the Battle of Kasserine Pass (3,300) to relatively show how much of a first battle loss that would have been to the Anzacs
  8. I would legitimately wonder how the fuck the $30k rule for half the students could clear Title 9. to have any semblance of fairness amongst all the other sports, it would have to be $30k for all scholarship athlets or you lose all other mens sports other than basketball and football Ignoring all the other sports, you would have 100 full time scholies in football and basketball. only 15 for womens basketball. so you would have to find another 85 womens scholies to fill the void (I know we do it all the time). but then that would mean (other than the top 40-ish schools of the new Tier Platinum 64 league) maybe another 20-ish schools outside of the 64 could afford to have college baseball teams. and none of the schools outside of the 64 could afford have any mens sports named something other than FB, BB, BB. The womens sports would flourish. but the mens would get massacred. The only way I could legally see a way around Title 9 would be if you structure it so football to no longer considered a college sport (which would kind of be what most of the board has said we could do to solve title 9 in a minute- as long as football was exempted from the matching scholarship limits) and the only way I can think of to do that would be to make it a paid minors football league. and completely eliminate the student athlete requirement. you can play in the "minor league" as long as you graduated high school within the last 4 years and never played in another professional league for up to the next 5 years. which suddenly would make Nebraska get all excited again because they could bring in every prop 48 kid again classes would be optional Players could still go to school if they "wanted" to, but they would be paying for their classes themselves out of the NIL money pool. and by them being professionals paying to go to school, that seems like the workaround needed to clear the Title 9 hurdle.
  9. man was a freaking film legend. Going to be strongly missed.
  10. honestly at some point if we really want this shit to stop, we need to just say fuck it and launch every conventional weapon we have at every Russian base within 1000km of Ukraine, we can make it it look like it originated from Ukr airspace, and frankly the Russians air defense is so incompetent that probably wouldnt even detect it anyway. and I am talking about the grade A direct-from-Raytheon, hot-off-the-press top level shit that will target every fucking plane and helicopter bunker on every base and simultaniously end their air threat, while blowing up all their ammo stores and as many vehicles as they can find. Take out every fucking bridge in Russia from Minsk to Rostov-on-Don. all conventional all at the same fucking time. end the conventional threat in 20 mins.
  11. That is an unbelievably coordinated attack. I realize they probably reused 2 of the attacking drones footages, but at an absolute bare minimum, that ship took 2 hits to almost the same spot on the port side, along with a clear hit to the ship in the stern when it was dead-in-the-water. with a possible 4th that was the last coup-de-gras resulting in the orgasmic final explosion.
  12. if they are going after all the radar, maybe they are about to do an actual air assault?
  13. and if I remember correctly, it became hyper apparent to the Army that in the case of an attack in Europe, our biggest artillery guns (at the time) could only fire 13-14 miles The blast radius of the 15kt nuke was something close to 3 miles it would have taken more time to call in the attack and get Prez permission to unlock the nuke, take it out of its secure location, arm it, load it, and fire it than it would have taken for the soviets to get within 3 miles or less of the gun (probably even would have overran or bombed them to Bolivia). And of course they would have only gotten permission to deploy it in either Soviet Bloc territory, or uninhabited forests/open areas, and most importantly, only if the wind was blowing towards the same direction of the shell being fired . rendering the idea of a nuke artillery shell completely useless. Hence the reason why this was the only one ever fired
  14. I mean, I get it, hes a roided up mega millionaire who thinks that hes untouchable. But honest-to-fucking-god, this was a little more than 2 years after MeToo started. I totally get none of this was wanted/accepted, or asked for by the lady. Vince, you are worth 3 Bill, and you wanna play out Scheisse porn or R@pe fantasies??? You had better damn well know that your partner is not only willing but mentally able to agree to that kind of shit (no pun intended) in both written and video consent, probably even a clear disclosure of exactly what is going to happen, how its going to play out and what everyones agreed safeword is. otherwise how fucking blitheringly stupid are you? Shes gonna get fucking paid. with a capital fucking P.
  15. always fun when they do it in the bathroom... I make sure to rip as massive a fart as I can or I start yelling.... "ooohh Jesus, get your shit outta me!!!!" at the top of my lungs..... they usually say "GTG, bye" within seconds of that..... which is exactly what I wanted if not WHO DOES NUMBER 2 WORK FOR!!!!!!!!! works to close the deal
  16. straight up 'Merica, Texas version right here dude armed robs a couple getting gas at a gas station and pistol whips them as his thank you.... Meanwhile, completely unrelated-to-couple, John Wayne is hiding in the bushes, and drops the robber right after he starts running from the couple he robbed, fucking tells the couple to go get their things from the bleeding out suspect (eventually taking a dirt nap). John Wayne makes sure the couple are OK and just says "my business is done here" and drops an Adios and leaves before the cops arrive....
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