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Everything posted by AUS-97HORN

  1. man was a freaking film legend. Going to be strongly missed.
  2. honestly at some point if we really want this shit to stop, we need to just say fuck it and launch every conventional weapon we have at every Russian base within 1000km of Ukraine, we can make it it look like it originated from Ukr airspace, and frankly the Russians air defense is so incompetent that probably wouldnt even detect it anyway. and I am talking about the grade A direct-from-Raytheon, hot-off-the-press top level shit that will target every fucking plane and helicopter bunker on every base and simultaniously end their air threat, while blowing up all their ammo stores and as many vehicles as they can find. Take out every fucking bridge in Russia from Minsk to Rostov-on-Don. all conventional all at the same fucking time. end the conventional threat in 20 mins.
  3. That is an unbelievably coordinated attack. I realize they probably reused 2 of the attacking drones footages, but at an absolute bare minimum, that ship took 2 hits to almost the same spot on the port side, along with a clear hit to the ship in the stern when it was dead-in-the-water. with a possible 4th that was the last coup-de-gras resulting in the orgasmic final explosion.
  4. if they are going after all the radar, maybe they are about to do an actual air assault?
  5. and if I remember correctly, it became hyper apparent to the Army that in the case of an attack in Europe, our biggest artillery guns (at the time) could only fire 13-14 miles The blast radius of the 15kt nuke was something close to 3 miles it would have taken more time to call in the attack and get Prez permission to unlock the nuke, take it out of its secure location, arm it, load it, and fire it than it would have taken for the soviets to get within 3 miles or less of the gun (probably even would have overran or bombed them to Bolivia). And of course they would have only gotten permission to deploy it in either Soviet Bloc territory, or uninhabited forests/open areas, and most importantly, only if the wind was blowing towards the same direction of the shell being fired . rendering the idea of a nuke artillery shell completely useless. Hence the reason why this was the only one ever fired
  6. I mean, I get it, hes a roided up mega millionaire who thinks that hes untouchable. But honest-to-fucking-god, this was a little more than 2 years after MeToo started. I totally get none of this was wanted/accepted, or asked for by the lady. Vince, you are worth 3 Bill, and you wanna play out Scheisse porn or R@pe fantasies??? You had better damn well know that your partner is not only willing but mentally able to agree to that kind of shit (no pun intended) in both written and video consent, probably even a clear disclosure of exactly what is going to happen, how its going to play out and what everyones agreed safeword is. otherwise how fucking blitheringly stupid are you? Shes gonna get fucking paid. with a capital fucking P.
  7. always fun when they do it in the bathroom... I make sure to rip as massive a fart as I can or I start yelling.... "ooohh Jesus, get your shit outta me!!!!" at the top of my lungs..... they usually say "GTG, bye" within seconds of that..... which is exactly what I wanted if not WHO DOES NUMBER 2 WORK FOR!!!!!!!!! works to close the deal
  8. straight up 'Merica, Texas version right here dude armed robs a couple getting gas at a gas station and pistol whips them as his thank you.... Meanwhile, completely unrelated-to-couple, John Wayne is hiding in the bushes, and drops the robber right after he starts running from the couple he robbed, fucking tells the couple to go get their things from the bleeding out suspect (eventually taking a dirt nap). John Wayne makes sure the couple are OK and just says "my business is done here" and drops an Adios and leaves before the cops arrive....
  9. either you are reading the wrong report or they completely misrepresented whats already been reported. it was 17 fucking degrees outside the overnight that they died. the 5th friend says he left at mindnight-ish. the friends and relatives are coming up with some absolutely wild stories about him poising them and then dragging them outside and shit. theres a damn good chance the final answer is going to be a combo of alcohol and a drug. alcohol, and some sort of drug could easily have incopacitated them while they were fucking around outside and they pass out when its below 20 outside, and their slowed breathing cuts down on their ability to keep warm and they froze to death in his backyard. dude who lived could very well have been on drugs as well, and passed out in his home, which kept him warm enough to not die. but it took him several days to wake up and respond to folks. and it wasnt until 2 days after the game that the bodies were discovered just laying in his backyard. there are drugs that can keep you fucked up losing track of days and memory loss. also, not that the cops are in any way hyper-trustworthy, but they havent seemed hyper concerned, even though its now a high profile case. where the investigators have said almost from the beginning of the bodies discovery that there didnt seem to be any foul play visible, and not only is the the guy not under arrest, hes moved out of the house. homicide detectives arent in the habit of just letting the hyper-obvious prime suspect in a triple homicide just walk around and leave his home. unless they have a strong hunch that this was some sort of accident. Yeah that might eventually lead to legal liability and maybe even a "lesser" version of a involuntary murder charge, but I have to guess the detectives have seen enough shit over the years to give them some pretty strong clues as to the cause. its been like 8 years, but when that Travis Co Sheriff killed himself in an attempt to make it look like a robbery (and the cops shut down i-35 for 2 hours in the middle of morning rush hour to parade his body to the Travis County morge).... I was the one who pointed out almost immediately that the cops kept saying that the cops kept saying there was NO threat to the general public..... despite the inital reports of two non-white teens who had just supposedly executed a uniformed Sheriff on his own lawn, that made ZERO sense... UNLESS the cops knew damn well he had killed himself (which btw they DID), they knew right away and fucking went on with the fallen hero charade bullshit complete with all the pomp and circumstance of a "fallen" hero who died saving the community, until they announced the day AFTER his funeral a week later, that oh yeah, it kinda looks like Sgt looney purposely staged the scene... this is kind of the same shit. the cops dont seem to think the homeowner is some sort of homicial clown
  10. from now until late April, every fucking prospect is going to "impress" every fucking team he visits. all the teams are lying their ass off and you wont know whats the truth
  11. and maybe relevant to the story.... "Alaska Airlines... you didn't die and you have a cool story"
  12. Is it just me... or doesn't this article actually make Alaska look worse? and what I mean by that is.. the Alaska fleet's QC process must be broke AF if "many" of your new planes have loose bolts. Like isnt that supposed to be something you review YOURSELVES after taking ownership of the planes that nothing broke off/fell off, in the transit? 1 or 2 missing or loose bolts means 1-2 QA review people need to be fired. "NUMEROUS" bolts missing/loose means not only is the Boeing/Spirt QA process broke, but Alaska's as well.
  13. we talking Ryan's Steakhouse levels of Pulsar waves or just a death star single wave?
  14. for a plane that was supposedly shot down.... there is suspiciously little smoke (i.e. none visible ) trailing behind that plane before it completely nose dives. I guess in theory an ainti-air missile could have destroyed the hydrolics only, or maybe the tail was damaged from it.... but both of those kinds of hits SHOULD still have some visible trailing liquid and it honestly looks clear. rewatching it at the 2 second mark (its almost completely blocked by the watermark) it LOOKS like something fell off the plane... you can see it in the visible gap between the trucks cab and load... but its for a tiny millisecond you can see it
  15. for the most part, its the one thing that isnt available in the US without some threat of legal transactional loss, and thats the after-crime, been caught-beatdown. not a death beatdown, but a good old fashioned "you done fucked up, and deserve a beatin'" beatdown. So many of those non-US vids that show the local community stepping in to either stop a crime, catch an obvious criminal, and beat a thief seconds after capture are all well deserved things that we just cant fucking do in the US anymore for fear of the beatdown-ee being able to sue us to Bolivia, or get arrested for administering the beatdown... which is why the only times you see the deserved community justice vids in the US, its always a person with a correct moral core, but nothing of any major worth to lose.
  16. agree, but unfortunately, it also means they just killed 65 POWs to "prove" it was carrying them. and most likely, they died horribly. It just depends if they were sadistic enough to light them on fire before killing them or after.
  17. I am sorry sir... we cant take driving tips from you too seriously......
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