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Everything posted by Mdhorn

  1. Mdhorn

    Is Punk Dead?

    I get behind all of this. I always equate it to the similar question is art dead? As a vehicle for expressing a new and original form/ideas, yes. As a vehicle expressing feelings of or rage against isolation, alienation and inadequacy, or narratives/storytelling within an evolving landscape, it's fine, just keep kicking people. Love hate these arguments, mainly because some are so dead set on a definition. Even reading about who coined the word punk involves circles of pretension--everybody in the day wants to lay claim to it. Who gives a fuck. it existed before a definition and good music is not limited to one.
  2. Mdhorn

    Is Punk Dead?

    You have Misfits as Punk and Fugazi as not Punk? I love both but you can put them into a lot of things. For me, DIY is punk as fuck, and they both go there. Also early NYC music that may get construed as New Wave or No Wave. Fine with it any which way. Their influence is far and wide and they all did it their way, with or without a crowd. Misfits played MSG a few years ago--and it's difficult to think of anything more not punk. It's all convoluted. Hell, I'd argue Morphine was punk but I don't think they'd care, nothing loud or jangly. I think PUP is fun, but I have a monetary threshold and venue about seeing them. There's a lot of great bands out there--just saw the oranges band in Baltimore and it was freaking great. They're old now, never made it and their ethos is punk as fuck, although their crowd is not. But that crowd looks like missing teeth dock workers with a beer in each hand and a fun time is had by all. And I'm down with it like the Motards back in the day. Velvet Underground is still my fav band and if they dropped down today, they'd still be ahead of their time. The rest is what it is. Replacements, don't care, still one of a kind and Bastards of Young will always be punk. Now I'm going to sit back and listen to Ritchie Daggers Crime for the millionth time and wonder why anybody would ever anoint themselves gatekeepers of this. If I was gatekeeping, I'd probably argue Punk died in late 70s early 80s. Kind of like Abstract Expressionist--you can do it now because everybody understands the language, but it's not the original stuff. Wouldn't even 4th or 5th generation.
  3. and I'll counter: Yes, they are horrible people that would tank the economy for their gains. But remember, they'd also tank Democracy, the presidency and whatever domino best serves them. Why do regular people continue thinking these POS represent their views and concerns? How are they not terrorists?
  4. Black Cat in DC. Scream is playing in December. Wonder if he'll show up then, too?
  5. Went to a show tonight and a guy ducks in front of me on his way to the bar. I think wow, is that, and watch him. Guy standing at the bar recognizes him and shakes his hand, bartender hands the guy a drink, no charge without acknowledging him, and then the guy ducks back in front of me. He's two people over in front of me by himself, bobbing his head--it's dark. I can't stop staring, because it's damn strange. People on either side of him are videoing the stage with their cell phones while Dave Grohl is standing next to them. He leaves after a couple of songs and his drink is tapped, puts on his mask and fist bumps a lady working at the door on the way out. I see her later when I'm leaving and ask and she confirms it was Dave. Four people, counting me in the whole place recognized him, and two worked there. He's a part owner of the Black Cat so it's probably not a thing, but was for me and now I have a dull Dave Grohl story. No picts so didn't happen.
  6. Was the only 20+ yard pass basically a swing pass for 44 yards? Looks like we almost have a competent passing game.
  7. Run 3 times, get 2 first downs and then the pass is open. Damn, who knew?
  8. Is Sanders injured and we've decided against throwing to him? Or are we overthinking this maybe, and moving away from our strengths to surprise teams?
  9. Good run to end the 3rd. Totally expect 3 straight passes and a punt now.
  10. I think Sark is creative but we're running a reverse to pick up a yard (didn't get), a one yard pass to a DT lined up at TE, and several one yard wildcat plays. We really need this to be successful, against a non ranked team that risks getting its better players poached annually? We should have at least 2 if not 3 deep better than anything across from them on both sides.
  11. This Texas team doesn't seem like it's going to go undefeated this year. They just don't seem focused. Dropping passes, overthrowing open receivers, missed blocks--the defense has played decent, but not shutdown great. Sometimes I wonder if the embarrassment of riches loses out to having a couple of skill players that play constantly and consistently, and plays are practiced till rote. They abandon the run when it's working, and get behind in downs off missed passes, so they force themselves to pass. Run the ball.
  12. Half of their culture is built upon and gets up to play Texas. Now they have to get motivated to play Utah, BYU and the rest of the gang that can't come close to filing a 100k seat stadium. And they won't get to play in a top tier bowl unless they go undefeated, while selling not playing the biggest in state schools and former rivals. Unless Texas and Agro U have a mediocre year, then they get to sell TTech playing in a bowl against a team whose upper class star players most likely sit out. But fuck all that, they don't even get to play spoiler to undefeated Texas hopes of playing in the National Championship Game, which has to be among, if not the biggest win/moment in their school's history. If this is what they're selling a 5 star, that can't get anybody else to partner up to buy into the same notion, then best of luck to the kid. Good luck on the plains and all the small places you'll be playing in regularly. Hopefully, you'll achieve those all world stats, surrounded by what ifs.
  13. I'll always think Novak is playing rope a dope, until he actually collapses.
  14. A shade under 3 and half hours. Game Novak.
  15. To be the man, you've got to beat the man. Saban and Bama are the bar. It took Texas taking half of Bama's staff to beat Saban, but whatever it takes.
  16. Which reminds me of a line: If I want to know about losing, I'll ask an aggie, with their nearly 100 years of experience. Otherwise, there's not much to talk to them about.
  17. Brooks is thunder and Baxter is lightning.
  18. Always a great sign when the opposing qb has to pick grass out of their helmets after a play.
  19. Texas has serious speed this year at WR and TE.
  20. Even though Bama holds on every damn play, Texas gets called.
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