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Everything posted by Mdhorn

  1. While I agree with the sentiment, we got beat last week by a team that is laying a turd before everyone on Fox. Make of it what you will, there are lots of excuses to pull from.
  2. And KState showing that Gundy is and has always been an also ran, even when Texas and OU are down. He's not special, and when Texas and OU are gone, it's nice to know he still probably won't be a factor in the Big 12.
  3. Truth. Speaking of which--can Texas get both? A good recruiter and secondary coaches? Is this allowed?
  4. This is what kills me--when other teams play Texas, the refs don't call shit. All their other non Texas games, they're normal dudes occasionally drawing penalties.
  5. Texas doesn't have to sit Ewers but for a series or two--let him compose himself and see what we do. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Also, KState catching the ball. So this is what it looks like when receivers catch. Fundamentals.
  6. It helps. Every time I look up KState has the ball and is scoring and I'm wondering what do they have that Texas doesn't. Oh, coaching.
  7. Oklahoma State showing they're not as good as Texas made them out to be. This KSU team is killing OSU with basics. I wish Texas played a simplified defensive front and just focused on positional discipline, tackling, alignment, eliminating false starts and stupid bullshit penalties. Use talent to get to the ball faster, fill gaps and coverage. Just want basic linebacker and corner stuff. There's no teams in the Big 12 with more talent. I always get the feeling that if the sides were flipped, Texas would still get beat, which means it's the coaching. I'm drunk and worse, dehydrated.
  8. I'd say burn it down, but a hall of empty championship cases isn't going to fuel much of a fire, unless the 1939 and earlier NC trophies are made of wood. Whatever, they'll turn it all around next year or the year after because good decisions always involve a passionate, batshit crazy bag lady stalker, that posts shitty f'u posts on fan boards.
  9. Easy--justice delayed or sought for against Republicans is not justice. In other words, Justice only applies to the other guy--minority, lib, female, gay/lesbian/trans.
  10. Beth Orton at 6th and I which should be perfect.
  11. looks like they come with twin lightsabers.
  12. I think when they get hired they bring those with them that they feel helped them become successful. And when it doesn't work initially, they probably figure it's a matter of changing the culture and getting the team familiar with their concepts. Strong was kind of idiotic and plain negligent, Herman an egotistical ass hat that couldn't bear to adjust since he was always right, Herman needs to bear down on guys and make them work--alternate guys that are off and feed guys hungrier. We're losing to flat out inferior teams, that can only fundamentally beat Texas. They have to play to their strengths and be disciplined.
  13. I guess the question is should it come to this? They didn't execute a few plays, had some bad calls but why stray from what's working in multiple games (Tech) and why not put in the other qb when Ewers is borked? Just sit Ewers so he can collect himself and settle down. He'll have off games but it's important to see it and maybe offset the defensive pressure with a more mobile qb or a change of pace guy that can throw the intermediate routes. Why didn't Texas use Sanders more today?
  14. I'm hoping this relieves pressure so they can ball out. Just crash other team's seasons and destroy some dreams along the way. The pressure should be off--they didn't earn it, they gave it away. Complete team effort. Ewers was off, receivers dropped passes, both sides of the line couldn't line up onsides or play to the snap, corners started off badly, got better and then regressed again, secondary dropped potential int's all game long, kicker whiffed badly on a kick, list goes on. Fuck this and the Tech game. Let's play spoilers and have fun. Blows but it's all they can play for now.
  15. I hope Gundy addresses the perfect game his players were able to play to win. The refs should get some congratulations for their part.
  16. Texas didn't play well enough to beat 12 men counting the stripes. Ewers runs for a first that gets called back on a pancake block. Fuck OSU. If you don’t build a lead u will lose because the refs won’t help u.
  17. There’s the blocking that makes running reliable.
  18. Glad we ran time off and didn’t get the yards we would’ve gotten had we kneeled the kick.
  19. Were u able to strip the ball? No, then why not just tackle him? Especially since you’re failing everywhere else. my bad, u just suck at tackling too.
  20. It was wide open and the receiver fell down. The prior play showed the receiver falling down on a shorter route and our oline can’t reliably block for shit.
  21. So one teams receivers didn’t fall down when it mattered.
  22. We need our receivers to be quick so they can trip on their cuts.
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