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Posts posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. 35 minutes ago, Lurch said:

    At this time, a wave of staged auto accidents, involving immigrants from the former Soviet Union who claimed to have been hurt, had led prosecutors to open a massive investigation. They dubbed it Operation Boris, an acronym for Big Organized Russian Insurance Scam. The prosecutorial push resulted in hundreds of convictions.

    "Boris. Why always Boris?"

    • Like 3
  2. 19 minutes ago, Pods said:

    Just fine. How're things going for you?

    Still just scrolling past every post that's responding to a troll, annoyed that people who think that they're trolling a troll don't realize they're the ones being suckered. You're not trolling the troll. You're helping him derail the discussion. It makes you part of the problem.

    Let me know if you ever get a troll to slink away in shame because he's been out-trolled. That's never happened in the history of the Internet. Replying to them only gives them validation. It's why every time you see a thread has suddenly expanded by 3 or 4 pages you know a troll has been at work and a whole bunch of people are getting trolled who think they're being clever and out-trolling the troll. The troll wins. He's achieved his goal. 

    • Like 1
  3. 19 hours ago, Pods said:

    PM read. I honestly don't intend any offense with this, but I don't know you or who you were on the previous board and you vouching for it in a PM with details of how you might know isn't really any better than you just posting about it as you have here. 

    You could well be telling the truth, I just have no way of ascertaining that. 

    It certainly seems like a plausible story and there ought to be some sources that have been published if so. 

    If you can't trust an anonymous poster on the Internet, who can you trust?

  4. 19 hours ago, sidis said:

    man, i have read things posted by dumbshit trumpkins on the politics board that i agree with more than this.  good lord.

    great series.


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    Did you think they were actually speaking to Nathaniel Sr's ghost the whole time? And the ghosts of whatever cadaver they were working on each week?

  5. 16 hours ago, Pods said:

    I agreed with that for a long time, but trolling has become such a big problem on the internet that ignoring it doesn't really work anymore. We need to return to the social norms of ridiculing and shaming jackasses like sheeeit and keeping him chasing his own tail in a circle. 

    How's that working out for ya? 

  6. 5 hours ago, Bat Guano said:

    That's exactly what they did, from my watching of the longer video. Hard to hear what people are saying on it, but I'm pretty sure when gray vest guy shows up while cops are getting ready to arrest the black guys, gray vest guy says, OK, let them go and we'll just go somewhere else. Cop says, no, they already had their chance to do that and they didn't do it. Or something like that. Then the crowd of cops slaps the cuffs on them. Respect my authoritah!

    I think you misunderstood what I was saying. What you say they did is not at all exactly what I said they should have done. The story should have ended with the cops leaving and the three guys staying to order their coffee as planned. 

  7. 53 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    He had to enter the EU somewhere.  Even if he used a fake passport, that entry is recorded.  Once you establish he's in Europe, he has to get from his point of entry to Prague.  

    According to the McClatchy report he entered through Germany. 

  8. 29 minutes ago, Texas_Rocks said:

    This is just nuts. Those officers could have easily avoided this by sensibly informing Starbucks that these men were just waiting for a ride and that forcibly removing them WILL NOT LOOK GOOD. But Cops!

    How hard would that have been for anyone not focused on the fact that these men were black?

    What they should have done when the rest of their party showed up and they were ready to place their order was to talk to the manager and tell him they're ready to order so we're outta here. 

  9. 8 hours ago, softlynow said:

    It's really pretty simple for most. It was 8 years since someone of their party was in office, and, given how shitty the Trump admin. was likely to be, it very well could be 8 more years until the next Pub admin. If you're looking to advance an otherwise stalled/about to stall political career, you needed to make that jump.

    And a few, like Tillerson, actually felt duty bound.

    To the interests of Exxon and that half trillion dollar Russian oil deal. 

  10. How many of the three Americans still held captive in N. Korea did Pompeo get released? Remember when Trump took credit for getting a dying prisoner released? Surely he hasn't forgotten the three that N. Korea still wants to hold onto and isn't voluntarily releasing of their own volition. 

  11. On March 29, 2018 at 1:47 PM, Homercles said:

    I envy you for getting to see the ending for the first time.

    Yeah, when they depart from the format of the entire series where talking to dead people is actually a representation of a character's inner thoughts and it turns into actually communing with the dead in the afterlife. Blecch. 

    The first season was great, the second season was pretty great too. Each season got progressively worse from there. I thought the ending sucked. When Nathaniel Sr. stops showing up it's safe to stop watching. 

  12. 21 hours ago, TexasTroll said:

    Who’s winning???

    hope not Maryland.

    The offense won 31-3. The D didn't have much of a chance. The offense was the white team and the red team was the defense. The white team always had the ball and they'd alternate 1st team O vs. 2nd team D and vice versa.

    The white team scored a FG and two TDs to make it 17-0. Then the red team intercepted a pass and returned it for a TD. The 6 points were awarded to the white team, then they kicked the XP to make it 24-0. Late in the first half the white team kicked another FG and those 3 points were awarded to the red team to account for their final score.

    I have no idea what the rationale was behind all of that. I've never seen anything like it. Usually when I've seen teams play like that the defense is awarded points for stops, sacks, tackles for loss, turnovers, etc. I'm not sure why they even bothered keeping score. 

  13. On April 13, 2018 at 6:58 PM, hobbes2702 said:

    It’s a good change if the goal is to prevent players having brain damage.

    How many players have gotten brain damage fair catching a kick? If you fair catch at the 15, the ball should be spotted at the 15, not the 25. How does spotting it at the 25 instead of the 15 prevent players from having brain damage?

  14. 21 minutes ago, bernorange said:

    If you think that a week is the span of time that Bolton and friends have been in the Cheeto's ear, I've got a nice bridge for sale you might like.

    @Hugo Stiglitz - You've been banging Putin's drums (NTTAWTT) for well over a year.  Your "Putin observations" wouldn't register on the Jan Brady scale if not for your prolific post count on the drum.

    Look at the guy with the wildly inaccurate prediction try to tell me the way of the world. I'm pretty sure I can do okay without your help, Nostradamus. 

  15. 4 minutes ago, retread said:

    What a leader. Between demonizing the FBI and phone calls to your lawyer regarding hush payments to porn stars, you call in cruise missile strikes on Putin-approved targets. Bravo!

    Missile strikes that he announced via tweet several days ago to the surprise of his staff, the military, and our allies. 

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