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Posts posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. 36 minutes ago, Both Tacos said:

    Was outside doing yard work over the weekend, so I was hot and pissed about some things. Hadn't said much to her earlier in the day.  She comes out to do some work in the flowerbed and says "What's wrong"?

    Me: Nothing

    Her: I know you are mad about something. What's wrong?

    Me: Nothing

    Her: Well, why aren't you talking to me? What's wrong?

    Me: Nothing

    Her: Then why aren't you talking.

    Me: I don't want to talk about it.

    Her: Okay. See that is all you had to say.

    I know if I had started off with "I don't want to talk about it", I would have still received the "What's wrong" question. 

    Now she knows how husbands/boyfriends feel. 

  2. 6 hours ago, SKJ said:

    That's fucking amazing.

    New Yorker magazine going hard.

    Can't wait to see our wanna be beloved leader respond

    Will he really care?

    He got a magazine cover. He loves that. It gives him an enemy to attack and proclaim himself a victim. I'm pretty sure Trump believes there's no such thing as bad publicity. He's gotten bad publicity for decades. And yet here we are. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Larry T. Spider said:

    Discussions of hell and the Old Testament get out of my range pretty quickly. Translations of the word “sheol” abound and I go get a beer...

    How many times did you find it translated as "Hell" or a place of fire, of eternal torture? In the King James Version it's translated as "the grave." A land of the dead isn't original to Judeo-Christisn mythology but as far as I can tell the concept of eternal torture for not subscribing to a particular theology is a Christian invention. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, F250 said:

    It's a joke about the employability of liberal arts majors.

    Oh I know where he was coming from. It just doesn't fit in this story. It's a non sequitur. It could just as easily mean that liberal arts majors make such a lucrative living that they have time for trivial protests. His pet gripe doesn't apply here. He's got a hammer so is inclined to see a nail. 


    This seems as good a place as any to test the spoiler tag. 

    It doesn't show up as a spoiler when I preview.

  5. I have a Dockers brand leather bi-fold wallet that has lasted for years and is still in great shape. I bought it at JC Penney. My previous wallet, given to me as a gift for being an usher at my sister's wedding, had fallen apart and I needed a replacement. I didn't have a lot of time to search and this one wasn't particularly expensive. It would do for now and I could look for a better one later. 

    It's held up a lot longer than its predecessor. It's still in great shape. I would totally buy another one if this one ever wears out which it shows no sign of doing anytime soon. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    That only counts when the celebrity opinion is liberal.  When it’s a conservative opinion, then it’s their god given right to speak the truth.

    Even if it's Scott Baio. 

  7. Within the last year or two there were reports of someone trying to bring Isaac Asimov's Foundation to TV. I doubt that anyone can make that work but I'd watch and hope for their success. The Lije Baley and R.Daneel Olivaw novels would probably translate well to film.

    I'm really surprised no one has ever brought Piers Anthony's Xanth novels to the big screen. There's a ton of material there, it's well suited for lots of CGI, I would think there would be a good audience for it. That series was like my Harry Potter when I was a kid and there were a lot more books in the catalog. Maybe all the puns wouldn't sell today but that could be fixed. (Personally, I loved all the puns.)

    I think Robert Heinlein's Friday would make a good movie. 

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