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Posts posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    Did you follow that link and read the article?

    A humble request: Instead of just posting a tweet that is nothing more than a link to an article, just post a link to the article. Quoting the text of the article, or at least some of it, would be nice too. 

    Yeah, yeah, "point taken," I get it. Just think about it. 

    • Like 2
    • Fuck You 1
  2. Does anyone have a link to the post about Lady Bird Johnson's chili recipe?

    I did a search last night. Ironically it took me to page 8 of the chili w/o beans thread where Jade made her infamous Velveeta post. I scanned through 10 subsequent pages but couldn't find the link. (I think it was posted after Jade but I could easily be wrong.)

  3. Skyline chili is awesome. So is Gold Star chili. They both serve Cincinnati chili. Cincinnati chili is awesome. Ever have it homemade? Skyline and Gold Star are fast food joints. And they do a great job. Certainly better than Chipotle. They're a Michelin restaurant compared to Taco Bell. Or Subway. Or McDonald's. (Or Chipotle.)

    Mmmm...I don't care that you don't get it. No one does. 

    And now I'm in the mood for a five way and a coney all the way. 

  4. 3 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Last night I had to leave work and head directly to one of my kid's orchestra concerts.  I texted my wife to ask where she was sitting in the auditorium.

    Wife:  middle middle left

    Stage left or audience left?

    My guess would be audience left. Roughly halfway back from the stage, midway between center stage and the far left aisle. Not bad seats. 

  5. 14 hours ago, texifornia said:

    It's the best - when they started selling it in NYC I near lost my mind. One third of the Cincy food trinity with Montgomery Inn bbq and Skyline chili.

    It's been since the mid 90's when I last had Montgomery Inn BBQ in Cincinnati. That was at the location by the river.

    Some years back they opened a store in Columbus. In Dublin. specifically. It was awful. Horrendous. I'm pretty sure the ribs must have been boiled. The waitress told me they used something called a "Ribulator" which was a conveyor belt oven like Pizza Hut uses. Worst ribs I've ever had. And they came with a side of sauce that tasted like ketchup. They closed a few years ago. 

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