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Posts posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. 22 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    You don't hear a story on Jesus's life because the conversation we are having now would be utter nonsense to people who saw him and heard about him.  The idea that he didn't exist would been seen as silly. 

    What the fuck are you talking about? That makes no sense.

  2. 1 hour ago, JBJ said:

    Why do you think this?  The only one not alive during the same time frame would have been whoever wrote John.

    Most biblical scholars agree. At least the ones motivated by scholarship and not theology. If you google who wrote the gospels and when they were written you'll find a lot of consensus. And some religious sites that peddle the 'it's in the bible so it must be true' interpretation. 

    Bart Ehrnan is a professor of religious studies at UNC and has written a lot of books, only two of which I've read. He wrote a very good introduction to the 'science' (not an exact science) of textual criticism for the layperson. You have to remember that these were oral traditions passed along for generations before they were ever written down. They weren't started by one man writing his thoughts on a tablet or scroll. 



  3. 56 minutes ago, Pods said:

    Trump pardoning Libby for obstruction and perjury sends a pretty clear message to the current crop of folks being questioned by Mueller and Congress. 

    'We all know I'm guilty as fuck. We're all in this together. Cover for me and I'll have your back.'

  4. 4 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    Of course not.  The Bible cannot sin.  It is perfect.  Also, it’s a book so it doesn’t even have reproductive organs, much less deploy them in an ungodly way.

    The bible disagrees with itself all over the place. 

  5. 46 minutes ago, Jiggy-Z said:

    My last two kids are not formally baptized, but I did splash them with some holy water a few times just to make sure I had my bases covered.

    The Lord was moved by your sincerity. 

  6. 31 minutes ago, SquishMitten said:


    I would say no, but it works. Everybody keeps saying “Story X would be the biggest story ever in any other administration...” But with the way news currently works, having a new story out every day or two means very few stories ever hang around long enough to gain real traction. For the large percentage of the population that gets their news exclusively from Fox, a story that only hangs around for 48 hours never gets a mention. Presumably, they’d eventually have to address something like getting your maid pregnant if everybody else was covering it for weeks, but if everyone else has moved on, they can just skip it.


    And continue obsessing over Hillary and Obama. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Chewy's Hairy Horn said:

    Intro music at my funeral: Running with the devil. 

    When I was a teen that was my favorite song to crank up on the stereo after I had a fight with my mom. Pissed her the hell off. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, yaqdum said:

    some of you guys are experiencing the awe of the unknown knowing that it will likely be many years before you get to that.  try it my age.  something like half the people i grew up with are gone.  so am i frightened?  not at all.  i've done what i'm going to do.  i've had that moment like we all know on a long plane ride when we feel them cut the power, and we know we're starting the long descent.  i'm well into my descent.  there's nothing to fear and there's no way to avoid it.  it's a bit like parachuting.  you just let go and go.

    I don't fear death. I could die tonight and feel that I've led a pretty good life. The thought that it would be the end of my existence doesn't bother me. The thought of eternal existence does. 

    • Like 1
  9. 18 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Otherwise, my perspective is that we all go to the same place when we die..

    Yes, to the same place we were before we were born. Nonexistence.

    Does that thought frighten you?

  10. Just now, bolverk said:

    But, in all seriousness, it's weird and hurtful when the people, who raised you, think you deserve eternal suffering for not believing the same things they do (and are outspoken about it).

    Just say to them: "Will you be in Heaven? Will you be allowed to speak? Yes? Then how is that paradise?"

  11. Not if you're Jewish. They don't have Hell. 

    Why did the Christians introduce the concept of eternal damnation if you don't believe them as a theological concept? Maybe because their theology is so preposterous that they felt they needed to scare you into believing it?

    I'm still waiting for a description of Heaven that sounds like anything I'd want to experience. 

  12. 23 minutes ago, yaqdum said:

    i certainly agree with what you say, but my interest is in what the youth do.  we've served up two basic responses here from the religious-with-a-capital-r:  1) back the creeps in attacking the republic and 2) not get involved.  neither speaks well of the health of organized religion.  what message will the youth take from that?

    I'm encouraged by the fact that the percentage of Americans who consider themselves religious is on the decline. That's been a trend for a while; we still lag far behind Europe. But a lot of young people have already been indoctrinated and are trapped in their belief system.  They're metaphorically lost souls. 

    I don't know if the Trump presidency will have much of an impact on the trend. We will probably not live to see the day when the religious landscape in this country is significantly different than it is right now. That's a generational process too. 

  13. 5 hours ago, David Dennison said:

    Those are happening now.

    I want Israel to either man up or grant the Palestinians statehood.

    You're thinking like a short attention span American. You want it all to happen right now. They're thinking in generational terms. The ultimate goal is to occupy all the lands that the god they invented promised them in the book they wrote thousands of years ago. It doesn't matter to them if it takes 100 years.

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  14. 1 minute ago, bolverk said:

    No worries. I've already been explicitly instructed by my mother that she thinks I will go to hell for no longer believing in God.

    Fortunately you won't have a functioning nervous system after you're dead so you won't be able to feel the heat. 

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