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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. I’m prepared for Trump to say something truly despicable about the Carters in the near future.
  2. RIP. Condolences to the family.
  3. Tell us the names of the fucking officers, goddamnit. They’re public servants, they don’t deserve anonymity. Tell us their names and their histories.
  4. That whole episode devoted to shore leave was intense, wasn’t it? Really contributed a lot to the overall plot line.
  5. I’ll bet he doesn’t pay off his bets, either.
  6. I smoked Marlboro Lights for years. I switched to Camel Lights after New Year’s Eve 1998 when I realized during an acid trip how much better they tasted. It was a revelation. Some years after that they changed their formula and didn’t taste as good anymore. I don’t know if it was government-mandated changes to the chemicals they added or if there were other cost-cutting measures involved with the tobacco they were using but the change was dramatic. I swore I would quit. It still took a number of year after that until I kicked the habit for good. I smoked my last cigarette on Aug. 31, 2014. I can smoke an occasional cigar and still enjoy the taste of tobacco from time to time. I know if I smoke just one cigarette that I’ll be back to smoking a pack a day within a week. Sometimes I have dreams where I find myself smoking a cigarette and freak out because I forgot I quit.
  7. Btw, I judge Kevin McCarthy to be full of shit. Listen to him denying that he intentionally ran into Tim Burchett. Listen to how he says, “I did not run and hit the guy, I did not kidney punch him…” and especially when he’s asked if he shoved him and he says “No!” Notice how high pitched his voice is. That’s a tell. He’s lying. It all happens in the first 50 sec of this clip.
  8. We have these. I haven’t tried them yet but they’re out there.
  9. Probably not the best idea to mess with the Teamsters, tough guy.
  10. Are you unfamiliar with comrade Annie’s posting history?
  11. Donald Trump said he alone could fix it and he didn’t fix shit so what the fuck is anyone else supposed to do?
  12. Bush enjoyed record high approval ratings during the first Gulf War. But he didn’t pursue Saddam’s fleeing army into Iraq because he (rightly) didn’t want to wind up in a quagmire. When hostilities against Iraq ceased, the elder Bush’s approval rating fell. Dubya wasn’t going to make that mistake. He was going to do something his dad didn’t do. He was going to invade Iraq and get re-elected.
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