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Everything posted by Mileslong

  1. Charlie Strongs fingers have nothing on Ewers feet…
  2. And here is the aggy response I was waiting for.
  3. Just like Georgia, they had no interest In this game The big 12 refs will help see to that
  4. Mick Fleetwood, John Mayall and Pete Townshend.
  5. Hands in the wrong position,
  6. That one seemed to work pretty well
  7. He is declassifying the camera …
  8. I listened to a link that was posted on Facebook. It was about 4 minutes long
  9. I haven’t listened to a single minute for at least a year. The only reason I posted was because I saw it on a feed on my Facebook. Don’t worry, it’s my last post on here, carry on.
  10. I think we are saying the same thing. Only MAGA people complain about the so called politics on the HL. Ice never complained about it, but maybe because I hate all things MAGA
  11. Morrissey would like to know
  12. For the record, I’ve listened to the Ticket probably longer than 99% of the people on this thread. I don’t listen because of politics. I hate politics but especially MAGA. I simply got bored with it after Mike left and they broke up BaD radio. I just listen to golf and college football podcasts mainly.
  13. Wow. I don’t listen to the ticket or the Freak anymore but I did just listen to the discussion about Hang Zone leaving. Not sure what the most shocking was, Corby pretending he owns the station and saying he everything he can negotiating with them to stay. Bob crying or Jub acting like he is going to lick anybody’s ass who laughed about it. This is the crap why I stopped listening, I just don’t like any of the personalities anymore outside of Gordon.
  14. Despite all my rage I’m just a rat in a cage
  15. That was so embarrassing. What’s next, a cosplay event on the first tee, dungeons and dragons?
  16. He does eat like a 9 year old, he also speaks like a 9 year old and has the maturity of a 9 year old.
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