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Everything posted by Mileslong

  1. That can’t keep calling that bullshit
  2. I was about to start a new thread introducing this girl and her band. Seriously one of the best blues/rock voices I’ve heard. Danielle Nicole, she also plays bass and has won awards for it. You have to listen to this, she blows me away, performing Kenny Wayne Shephards, “Save Me”. Brandon Millers guitar work is off the charts as well.
  3. Can zuerlein ever have a game without some miscue? Missed FG, missed XP, KO out of bounds?
  4. He also wrote the song Texas Morning which was recorded, among others, by one my favorite artists, BW Stevenson
  5. I believe dallas is leading the league in drops, they have to shore that shit up if they are going to do anything in the playoffs. Http//noshitsherlock.com
  6. Ancient period piece, revenge, war, Nicole Kidman, yeah I’m in…the only thing missing are nazis…
  7. You said Dak is terrible, you didn’t specify that it was just for this game. Not doing so is incredibly stupid
  8. Dak hasn’t played as well since his last injury but to say he is terrible is beyond stupid. He is a top 6-10 QB in the league regardless. Of what metrics you use.
  9. How many times does it take before a team realizes you don’t just sit on a lead with an entire quarter to play?
  10. Man this offense is so superior to that crap Garrett used to throw out there, so much more creative now…
  11. Wash. DL sacks Dak and gets up dancing around when they are about to be 24-28 points down in the first half, so aggy
  12. After watching the Beatles “Get Back” doc I’ve gone down a number of rabbit holes about them on YouTube. This is one of the most interesting videos I’ve seen regarding their music. They obviously had very sophisticated key and tempo changes but as it turns out, they couldn’t read or write sheet music and didn’t know the terms for what they were composing. Everything was instinctual with them and they needed George Martin, who was proficient in music theory, to put a label on what they were hearing in their head. Great video and includes clips of the Beatles talking about this subject and what they did and didn’t know.
  13. This just sucks…I’ve been rewatching GOT this week to prepare and then since announcement [emoji35]
  14. So Stoops is the interim coach…
  15. I don’t wish to reopen old wounds on this site regarding what constitutes making your guitar from scratch. But did this guy make his own guitar from scratch? The body anyway, from freaking salt spar. https://www.facebook.com/groups/172423852946356/permalink/1724747481047311/
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