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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. Goodnight, Sweet Prince.
  2. This is a huge surprise in how fast it happened. Fitzgerald was a fixture in the B1G.
  3. He's a great play-by-play guy fr the Dodgers. No Vin, but no one will be. He's a good substitute.
  4. this thread is depressing as to how many pedos are out there. But honestly, how do these fucks think they are going to get away with it? Can't imagine most kids won't confide in someone about it. Dammit.
  5. Having listened to a LOT of Walton over the years, he has gotten exceedingly rough with his tangents referencing who knows what. He wouldn't last a month on an NBA broadcast team.
  6. Yeah we gonna need a more detailed reaction after episode 3... Big Ron Swanson fan, so his appearance was great. Got through that and ep 4. Very enjoyable.
  7. Careful what you read on the internet. I googled my way around and it led me to some real dark places. Whatever medical center you go with, listen to your doctors. City of Hope has been remarkable, but there are high quality hospitals all over. Are you in Texas? If so, Anderson's reputation is top flight. Just don't panic. Do the work you're told to do. Show up where they tell you. And soon enough, god willing, it'll be behind you. Peace to you and your wife. You got this. I hate new entries on this thread. Fuck you cancer, you cunt.
  8. Watched the first two eps tonight. Intriguing.
  9. I went to Texags to confirm. Turns out it’s just a big hoax. Nothing to see here.
  10. Well, my $3.50 monthly contribution hasn't. wuddup @immamac?
  11. My tree fiddy badge distappeared.
  12. I've always been partial to the "La Cucaracha" horn.
  13. Pisses me off to no end. You see it all the time with lane drifters. And even after they jerk back into their lane, they go right back to the mobile telephonic machine. Sends me into a rage. I agree, much safer to be in the .08-.15 BAC range than on your fucking phone.
  14. Two teams with potential but some serious flaws. Dodger pitching needs to be rectified stat. Problem is we're just good enough to be buyers not sellers at the deadline. But not good enough to win it all, unless something changes dramatically with the staff. So another "nice try" season ahead of us I think.
  15. So looking for a new series and think this is the one. Or “The Bear.” This isn’t just a rehash of “Walking Dead”, right?
  16. A sweep of the Astros today would be ok with me.
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