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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. You'd be amazed at the number of people that stretch to their last dollar to buy a car that is out of their reach. Certainly in car culture SoCal you see it all the time. Can't put food on the table but damn look at my M5.
  2. Which he will. But if he can keep bringing in the talent, that could change.
  3. Mookie with 7 hits in 2 games today. Played RF in the first and 2B in the second. Love me some Mookie.
  4. But really what are his FA terms going to be. I can't see the Dodgers dropping 8 years $500 mil or whatever on an unknown arm. But who knows.
  5. My dad did take me to this. One of my earliest memories. The demolition derby beforehand was my favorite part.
  6. JT is the son of a HS friend of my wife’s. I thought for sure he was done after WV.
  7. The Pac is deeper this year than most I can remember, and easily the best QB conference in the country. We probably sit at 6th in the preseason rank, and this may be our deepest team under Chip. QB and DBs are the only real question marks this season.
  8. Not sure if it was Frampton, but I watched a vid of Skynnyrd as an opening act for someone and they killed it. I've heard it ranks as one of the top in this category.
  9. Just heavy rain. Otherwise pretty manageable here.
  10. Dumping here right now. But not too bad.
  11. Don’t overvalue SC. The PAC is much more,than SC.
  12. Avalon Harbor Patrol has closed the harbor as Hilary approaches. If a SE swell rolls in there, it could wreck shop. Looks like she may turn inland though so maybe Catalina escapes a direct blow.
  13. That’s a worse conference than a reconstituted MWC
  14. Without a dissolution of the MWC, their $34 mil termination fee is untenable to join a marginal new conference.
  15. $2-$10, and there's NO way it'll be $10. UCLA has the autonomous right to move, and exercised it. The more punitive the penalty, the harder they'll fight it.
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