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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. As a Californian, not only have I not had avocado on pizza, I have never heard of anyone ordering it on pizza.
  2. Man I have to get on top of this fainting thing. Get lightheaded every day and faint at least once every other day, low blood pressure and a little dehydration and I faint. Weirdest feeling too.
  3. 9 straight for the Dodgers. Looking more and more like a Dodgers v Braves NLCS.
  4. Those stumps should hold a watch on.
  5. The one thought that this is Apple’s only shot at getting into the CFB game leads to the possibility of getting a media deal better than what they’d get in a sweetened MWC media deal. Depends on how bad they want in.
  6. Just got a call from my surgeon to let me know my CT showed a spot on my liver. I had met with him just a couple of hours after the CT, and at the time, he said it looked pretty clean. But the radiologist did a thorough review and noticed the hot spot. So an MRI will be ordered, and we'll see. Not news I was hoping for.
  7. Dodgers quietly starting to run away with the NL West. 8.5 up.
  8. I predict a batting title for helo
  9. Just saw it, and while I enjoyed it, it did drag in spots. Could’ve easily been a half hour shorter without anything lost. And would have been interested in more of the science behind the bomb, which was hardly discussed.
  10. Or UCLA. and good luck with this, Beavs. Actually would love to see a rebuilt PAC, but don’t see it happening.
  11. Agreed, win that conference win 1 loss or less and I think you get into the field of 12.
  12. The pac would’ve jumped at that from Turner
  13. At least you avoid another beat down by us [emoji3]
  14. Honestly don't know how you guys are dealing with the nonstop heat. Seems just intense.
  15. I remain steadfastly suspect that any ACC school will be able to break the GOR.
  16. No kidding. And it all doesn't matter. The one team everyone should hate is SC.
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