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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Sbbruin

  1. I am a lifelong CSN (and Y) fan.  My dog’s name is Crosby.  My neighbor 2doors down is James Raymond, Crosby’s bastard he connected with later in life who ended up touring with them as a keyboardist.  Have seen Crosby come visit.  James was telling me about the recent split.  Basically Nash just got fed up with Crosby being a compete asshole, which James agreed with.  So bummed though.  Have seen them live at least 8-10times.  Saw Crosby solo at the Segerstrom a couple of years ago.  He’s super preachy politically in his shows.  


    Will pick pick this one up.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Loco said:

    It's not, just the cost of powerful special interests and nut jobs.  Other countries don't have this problem.

    Seeing the posts up above about active shooter drills in school.  My middle schooler just had one, while they were "locked down" administrators banged on the doors and screamed to see if the kids inside would stay quiet.  Just all kinds of fucked up.  Of course my kids are in the Broward county school district, so this is a fresh wound...

    I'm a long-long time gun owner and I will vote single issue for MUCH MUCH stricter gun control.

    Agreed on all of this.  My middle-schooler had an active shooter drill about a month ago.  We had earthquake and nuke drills, but this was never a thought when I was a kid.

    The younger generation will not tolerate this, and we are going to be ceding political control to them sooner than later.

    • Like 2
  3. 13 minutes ago, Prepuce of Doom said:

    Here's another one. Unlike Yanny, I can actually hear both, depending on which one I've primed myself to hear. 



    OK, that one is fucking with me.wk5hmxh.gif

  4. That sounds awful.  My MIL has had pretty advanced dementia for several years.  She is the last grandparent my kids have left.  And she recognizes them about half the time, and the other half she creates wild scenarios in her head that don't have any basis in reality.  It's brutal for her, and my wife is crushed by it.  My kids try to understand.  But it's tough.

  5. 3 minutes ago, hpslugga said:

    The war was initiated by Israel and every single high ranking member of their military and government openly and notoriously admitted to that, so everything you said after that is moot.

    I believe the term is "mute."

  6. Call the National Guard...

    Dead Animal Dumped in Recycle Bin

    On Monday, May 14, our recycle bin was dumped late and we had already put cars away, so we left the bin out on the street overnight. My husband rolled the bin up the driveway Tuesday afternoon when he got home from work. Shortly after I got home--around 5 p.m., I took some junk mail out to the recycle bin. When I opened the lid, I found a white kitchen drawstring garbage bag inside. The bag was untied and open and contained something wrapped in silver mylar/reflective type material, like a windshield sun shade. I could see an animal foot sticking out, but I couldn't tell what type of animal it was. I was shocked to say the least. I called the Pasadena Humane Society, and they dispatched an Animal Control Officer. The officer removed the bag, and inside we found a large, dead adult raccoon. The poor creature's mouth was bound by silver duct tape. The body was not mangled, and there was no blood or other evidence of abuse. The animal was dumped sometime between 4:30 p.m. Monday when our bin was emptied and 2:30 p.m. Tuesday when my husband got home. I'm not sure what could have happened to this poor animal.


    Oh no.....Keep your own animals close to home....(because someone is out there stalking and torturing small animals)

    IF someone is hurting and animal, there's a huge chance this behavior will escalate! If anyone knows anything about this dead animal, your tip can anonymously be reported to Los Angeles Crime Stoppers www.lacrimestoppers.org (on line tip); download the free mobile app P3 Tips (photos and videos accepted); or call 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). All of your information is encrypted. If your tip leads to an arrest, you could be eligible for up to$1,000 reward. Please, do the right thing!

    Natalie is correct. While not normally a domestic animal, this action definitely constitutes animal cruelty & should be punishable. Those in the area, I hope you are able to find something/someone that points to this horrific act.

  7. 47 minutes ago, Steamboat1874 said:







    Good stuff:


    According to the report, Glover’s wife fought against being put into the back seat of a patrol car and damaged the door by repeatedly kicking it.

    “Wait till the tour (PGA) hears about this,” she yelled, according to the report cited in The Mail. “You will lose your job. This is why cops get shot in the face. Wait till I talk with the judge, you will be f---ing fired over this.”


  8. Most of the homes in our neighborhood were built in the '20's and 30's.  Most had original footprints of between 1,200 and 1,500 sf, but with good sized yards.  Many - including ours- had additions added in later years.  A lot didn't though, and today people consider those 1,300 sf houses to nearly qualify as a Tiny Home.  My wife is eager for us to move into somethign larger, but I won't.  We have plenty of room for the 4 of us.  The number of times we have a guest spend the night is maybe once per year.  With the savings of not moving, I can put them up in the Ritz for a month every year.

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