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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Sbbruin

  1. Luhnow was 2 yrs ahead of my in HS.  Just got an email that he'll be the commencement speaker at our HS grad.


    He was part of what was called the "Honor Committee."  They oversaw disciplinary matters.  I was called in front of them that year.  I bullshitted my way out of it.

  2. So I occasionally buy crap on Wish.com, China's cheap shit site.  I've bought hooks and lure, and they've been alright.  Saw a baitcaster that looked good and was well reviewed, but was certain it was probably shit, so I passed.  But came across Spectra brand line for almost nothing. $2-$3 so I pulled the trigger.  Hope I don't lose one to cheapness.



    Taking the boy rockfishing on Saturday out of Oxnard.  Should be fun.

  3. On 5/1/2018 at 11:56 AM, Viper said:

    just paste the url of the image into the reply box

    To do that you have to host them somewhere.  All the hosting sites are fucked lately.

    Fix tapa, dammit.

  4. 35 minutes ago, shnsajax said:

    At what point do you really begin to worry about the Dodgers if you haven't already? And to have this in a walk year for Kershaw too. 

    Kershaw has to walk away from $70 mil in the last 2 yrs if he opts out.  Not a guarantee he does that.

  5. 4 hours ago, South Austin said:

    Speaking of obesity, the Longhorn Spring Game was a reminder that even in a relatively fit city like Austin, we have our fair share of fatties.  There were a lot of large people in the stands, and it was no coincidence that most of them were sucking down nachos and extra large sodas. 

    I went to the OU-Georgia Rose Bowl game, and the average BMI of their respective fan bases had to be close to eleventy billion.  It was truly remarkable.  And you can see how the ones who were even moderately non-obese, like BMI's around 30, seemed all fit and trim in comparison.  And I think that moves the needle towards obesity because what was considered obese in the 70's and 80's is considered only slightly overweight today.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Wally Fairway said:

    I am, personally, trying to ruin the greeting card industry.

    For birthdays, valentines, mothers day, etc. instead of buying cards I just to a couple of stores, find a few cards that I like, whip out my phone and take pictures of the cards.
    Then when said day arrives, I text the photos to my family; I also send my adult kids pictures of birthday cakes, and tWife gets pictures  of roses, candies and other things that cost too much and either spoil or we don't really need.

    FWIW - I am waiting to be kicked out of a store for my shenanigans, but fuck $4-$6-$9 for some stupid card.

    We may have a winner.

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