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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Sbbruin

  1. 49 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

    I don't see the chicken tho.

    SBBruin, has this person been given maximum shit for that abomination?

    That is seriously crazy.

    The mod is pretty militant about keeping comments civil and positive.  So just the simple:


    - No words.

    - Om my.

    - (there was this) That's just gross. (to which she was beaten down for the negativity).


  2. My last run to Ventura maybe ever. Moving the boat in 2 weeks to San Pedro. Hoping the close proximity to Catalina will get the fam more engaged. With both of my folks now passed, our 46 year connection to Oxnard is over. I will always keep the Nard near and dear to my heart, but regular trips to Catalina vs the once a year trips will hopefully make it worth it.




    Man dolphins are everywhere today


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  3. Excellent work, Brew..  I’m just chillin’ on mi barco.  Going to sail up to Ventura Harbor tomorrow morning and the fam is going to meet me there.  Have lunch at Brophy Bros and sail back.  Mother’s Day brunch up here Sunday.  No place on earth I’d rather be.

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  4. 6 hours ago, Longhorn Al said:

    I've gained 4 lbs. Still not eating carbs. Kind of frustrating.

    I've just been doing standard dieting and exercise.  Down almost 30.  But have totally stalled out.  Even with calorie intake b/w 1,200-1,600/day, I am just not dropping much at all.  Body seems to be fighting it.  At 180, so I'm pretty happy with where I'm at, but really restricting the diet and not losing weight is frustrating.  Hoping to dump another 5 and then stabilize.

  5. On 5/3/2018 at 12:26 PM, UTPhil2006 said:

    5.0 on a 15 and 5.25 or so on a 30. Our rate sheets don’t like the 15 year inv route apparently 

    Man, I caught the bottom of the rate dip when I refi'd into a 15-yr fixed in Oct '16.  2.75%.  And it is a beautiful thing paying more than double in principal than I am paying in interest.

  6. On 3/29/2018 at 7:29 AM, crackamacgowski said:

    So I was standing on the tee box today, and I realized, ever since I started golfing, every single round of golf has been worse than the round before it. So that means that every round that I play, that's the worst round of my life.

    Wow that's messed up.


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