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Everything posted by LurkingHorn

  1. He's a 34 year old journeyman who can't play more than 15 minutes per night. Wasted the MLE on him.
  2. I'm SHOCKED that Javale McGee hasn't worked out. Who could have possibly saw that coming?
  3. LurkingHorn

    USMNT 2022

    Went ahead and bought our crappy home jersey. Got too excited about the Cup being 3 weeks away. Beat the shit out of Wales and we are going through. That’s what all this is going to come down to. Greg might be forced to start a pretty attacking lineup and it might just propel us.
  4. Yea would be nice for him to get going. He’s not been very good since Kidd has been here though. He also doesn’t handle the ball very well. Still so bizarre they didn’t go after Dragic. Seemed like a no brainer.
  5. Yea Utah is Utah again. I’m slightly concerned where we are going to get scoring from after Luka, Wood, and Dinwiddie. We really need another guy who can get us 12-15 per night and can also dribble.
  6. LurkingHorn

    USMNT 2022

    Mckinnie has looked like garbage the past several games for the US and his club form has been pretty meh. I was honestly pretty concerned about starting him based on those things. If this means we can now find a spot for Gio and Aaronson in the starting lineup, I like that against Wales.
  7. This team can never seem to get off to a great start to the season. It's going to cost us a higher seed in a very crowded conference.
  8. Man...NOP missing most of their starting lineup and this is the shit we run out there?
  9. So who all is getting a booster this round? I was boosted last November and had natural infection in July, but I'm really struggling to find anything that states how long I should wait. It seems like hybrid immunity should last a pretty good while, but no idea with new variants.
  10. LurkingHorn

    USMNT 2022

    I hate to admit this, but Tim Ream might be our best bet at LCB at this time. I don't see how Aaron Long can even be on the plane based upon his recent performances for both club and country. ------------Turner------------- Dest--Zimmerman--Ream---Jedi -----------Adams------------- ----Musah-------Weston----- Aaronson-------------Pulisic ------------Pepi------------ Wild card is if Gio continues to stay healthy over the next 2-3 weeks.
  11. Wood is such a breath of fresh air after having to watch KP for several years. He’s not quiet the rim presence on defense, but he’s not that bad. He can also put the ball on the floor better than I expected. Really fun player to watch.
  12. Christian Wood seems like a decent pickup less than 48 minutes into the season.
  13. We out possessed and had more first downs than them. He had plenty of time to find a rhythm
  14. No confidence we drop them on the next two downs. Not a doubt they will get it.
  15. Sark had the play call to get us up double digits. Cain absolutely screwed this team and killed any momentum. Not sure what else Sark is supposed to do there. Nobody was within 20 yards of Cain and he drops it.
  16. First down has really hurt us all game it feels like. I mean, just find something that gives you 3 yards and we’re in way better shape. Can’t even get a positive gain.
  17. Running on first down is an absolute drive killer at this point. Please stop because we are just putting ourselves behind the chains.
  18. Lol at everyone on here who was crowing this was going to be a blowout. It’s like we forget what the past 10 years have been like against this team.
  19. LurkingHorn

    USMNT 2022

    If by sorted you mean GB is going to start Steffan no matter what, then I agree with you.
  20. LurkingHorn

    USMNT 2022

    Pefok likely finishes the chance against Japan that JF didn’t even get on frame. Why don’t we just start there.
  21. LurkingHorn

    USMNT 2022

    My fears of when Gerg came on board are starting to come back. I feel like we’re about to have a massive coaching disadvantage against every team in the group.
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