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Everything posted by LurkingHorn

  1. What part do you not understand? There's no money to spend that would have gone to JB. It literally didn't matter what we paid him because all we were going to be able to do was use the Exception, make some trades, and maybe sign some vet minimums. Would you rather have Brunson and no ability to sign anyone or not have Brunson and no ability to sign anyone? Those are the choices.
  2. Hardy with a nice debut in summer league. Would be nice to have a decent scorer off the bench at the very least.
  3. That appears to be the case. Has to be the end for Powell I would think.
  4. You mean Wood? If so, I agree. No need to go reaching for another big at this point.
  5. LurkingHorn

    USMNT 2022

    Ferreira with a beauty vs LAFC tonight. This kid can get us a couple of goals in Qatar.
  6. Lesson from the past two season: Cuban’s final thoughts on the season mean jack shit. Last year he sad Carlisle was absolutely going to be the coach and this year he said they were signing JB. Dude needs to shut his trap.
  7. This is not going to end well for either party. I can’t believe the Knicks’s big off-season move is to gut their roster for Brunson. I also can’t believe Brunson is going to take less money and years to play with his dad who is likely going to be fired in two seasons when the next coach is hired.
  8. Make no mistake, this is an absolute kick in the nuts if they don't somehow get our 1st round pick back from NY next year. Letting an asset walk for nothing is bad business, even if you don't think he's worth the money. This was a Donnie special. Find a diamond in the rough, don't lock him up for cheap when you could have, and now he's gone for nothing. I think we pretty have have to get Dragic now. It's the only way to take some of the sting out of it.
  9. Explain to me how we are going to get a massive talent upgrade when we're already over the cap with or without JB. I'll hang up and listen.
  10. The amount we pay him means jack shit. We are in the tax with or without him. Might as well pay what it takes to keep him.
  11. Doesn’t change the fact that they are a dumpster fire and cannot pay more money. JB is a fine player, but he’s not carrying an organization to the playoffs. I really hope we somehow find a way, if this happens, to get our pick back next year.
  12. Is JB seriously going to go to that dumpster fire in NY? They can’t even offer more money. Just a truly odd deal. I love JB, but there’s is no way that will end well for the Knicks or for him.
  13. Apparently his catch and shoot numbers were very good. I guess that bodes well considering he’s not going to be a primary ball-handler here.
  14. In the end I guess this doesn’t really hurt if it doesn’t work, but this guy had some awful shooting percentages in the G league. Not sure I really see much here, but here’s to hoping Nico found a gem.
  15. LurkingHorn

    USMNT 2022

    Love the quote but way too late for Acosta to go to Europe. He might be able to find a spot in the Bundesliga 2 or something but I'm not sure the money is going to be that much better.
  16. Can't tell you how cool this is for me personally. Born and raised in Dallas but my Dad despised soccer so I was never even aware the 1994 World Cup was in my own backyard. Now 32 years later I will be able to take my now 4-year old son to a World Cup match. Pretty damn pumped about it.
  17. I'm sure some of this has to do with where he was playing, but promising nonetheless.
  18. Just listening to Stein and didn’t realize Sweeney coached Wood I’m Detroit. Seems like he would know all there is to know about him.
  19. He averaged double the rebounds of Powell. I guess that bar is pretty low, though.
  20. I don't understand what Houston is doing here. Can someone explain it to me? Do they just really want another pick that bad and wanted to get something for Wood while they could?
  21. LurkingHorn

    USMNT 2022

    Wow Honduras beat Canada in Nations League last night. Nations League is a joke, but what a an awful window this has been for Canada in prepping for the WC. Cancelled a game, beat a lowly Curacao team, and lost to Honduras in a game that was ugly. I'm not sure they learned much of anything this window.
  22. LurkingHorn

    USMNT 2022

    I think people have wishful thinking about Weah at the 9. At some point you have got to try it instead of rolling it out in the WC for the first time. Greg isn't going to try it.
  23. If Josh Green doesn't play Summer League than I would suspect his time here is going to be short. It's very odd they didn't try to give him minutes last summer. Dude needs minutes in actual basketball games.
  24. LurkingHorn

    USMNT 2022

    Well I guess there’s only one thing left to do then…
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