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Everything posted by LurkingHorn

  1. I think those who think he will win in 2024 are severely underestimating how much losing as an incumbent leaves a stain on a candidate. Trump raised $1 billion and lost to a guy 4 years his elder. He squeaked out every possible vote he could get and is still going to lose by a pretty sizable margin. Unless the Biden presidency is an abject failure, the GOP isn't going to run a loser back up there. Demographics are not working well for him either. His base (older white people) are about to start dying off at an increasingly rapid pace. Just doing some simplistic math, if you assume 2.5 million people will die each of the next 4 years and that 47% of those are Trump voters (it's probably more because these are mainly older people), the guy is losing over 1 million votes each year. I don't believe those are easily replaceable unless they think the Latino vote is where they will keep making in roads. And as far as his son, I think it's more likely Trump Jr ODs in the next 4 years than becomes a presidential candidate.
  2. The only issue I see is that you would have a fairly sizable black market for fake negative tests and, like you said, it would end up slowing down people from getting the vaccine as quickly as possible. I think this would need to be a rapid test done on site at the time someone is getting the vaccine. There's no way that is happening in the next 6 weeks with Trump basically asleep at the wheel.
  3. I've wondered this as well. However, that would take a coordinated effort from the feds and, let's be honest, that isn't happening under this administration.
  4. LurkingHorn

    USMNT 2020

    Pulisic would probably replace Llanez, not Gioacchini. Reyna on one side and Pulisic the other. Man...we're going to be making a lot of teams pick their poison. Otherwise, I agree with what you're saying. Yedlin might still have something to say about Cannon being the RB starter, but that's a good problem to have.
  5. LurkingHorn

    USMNT 2020

    I'll echo everyone about Musah. That MF trio can be solid for years to come. I complain about him all the time, and he wasn't particularly awful or anything, but Tim Ream does absolutely nothing for me. Dude is 33 and shouldn't be here anymore, but the Egg loves him. I didn't particularly love having to move Dest to LB, but seeing Cannon makes me feel better about moving Dest. Overall, can't wait to see this team with Pulisic, Reyna, the midfield trio, and whatever body we throw at striker (Sargent?).
  6. LurkingHorn

    USMNT 2020

    The combination play between this version of the USMNT and the one a year ago is night and day.
  7. LurkingHorn

    USMNT 2020

    Nice response after giving up a crappy goal. The kids are alright.
  8. LurkingHorn

    USMNT 2020

    Man, outside of the miss, this has been all Panama the first 12-15.
  9. I thought I saw somewhere that JJ is finalizing a deal to come back next season. Don't think that spot will be open.
  10. Burke will be interesting because wasn't he brought in to replace Brunson in the bubble? You have to think that's going to be too many guards.
  11. That pretty much fills out our roster outside of the draft and an unexpected trade, right?
  12. Yea the election and lawsuits are about to feel like they were a year ago. This is about to get ugly.
  13. I know nothing about him. I’m guessing, based on your statement, he is a known commodity though?
  14. My entire extended family had an email chain about Christmas and every single family is going except me, my wife, and kids. 15-20 people inside the same house for an entire weekend. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
  15. This is going to be interesting to see. I also think trump is going to have the stain of being a one-term president. Not a lot of people are going to be passionate for a loser.
  16. This gives me hope that even if America is in decline, we at least have a chance to plateau or ever reverse the trend. It makes me so elated because democracy works even when it’s under extreme attack by someone who thinks the democracy is there to serve himself. It makes me sad that it took a president like Trump to make me realize how fragile our democracy really is. It makes me elated to see this fucktard whine like a bitch and confirm he is the loser we all know he is.
  17. I think this is over. The map is not going for Biden in any way right now. He's going to lose Ohio and lose NC. He is going to have to sweep PA, WI, and MI. I don't see that happening based on how things are going.
  18. This is not trending well for Biden. I think Trump has won this. Can't believe I'm typing this.
  19. NY Times has this forecasted as 88% chance to Trump at this point. It's probably gone.
  20. For all the kudos we gave Harris County, their margin is very pedestrian. The rural wave is about to come in and we're all about to be pissed.
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