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Everything posted by LurkingHorn

  1. I agree. I think every demand coming from the Trump campaign needs to be met with that response.
  2. This obviously gives me pause before doing a batflip: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/513820-lincoln-project-republican-says-polls-undercount-trump-support The Minnesota number doesn't make much sense to me since the previous poll had Biden up by 5 points. Not sure why Biden would have dropped 3 points with nothing really earth-shattering to drag him down like that.
  3. I know this will probably fall on deaf ears, but I feel terrible for everyone in this situation. But on this incident specifically, this is a kid who threw his life away because, like the tweet above says, this type of shit has been glorified and he honestly thinks he's serving a just cause. He obviously deserves to have justice brought against him, but nobody is a winner here. We're all losing. Badly.
  4. Totally agree. I just gave him everything in the south in that map just for the sake of argument. If Florida goes blue, everyone might as well tune into something else because it'll be over. I'd probably just keep watching to see how bad the route is, though.
  5. NM is in the bag. Clinton won it by 8 points in 2016 and the most recent polls I can find in my quick search show Biden up double digits. Arizona is definitely a toss up but I was just showing that even if Wisconsin goes to Trump, he still has to win every other toss-up state if he loses Pennsylvania and Michigan. It's possible that happens, but seems unlikely. We'll find out very quickly how this is going to go IMO. If Michigan and Pennsylvania go to Biden, Trump doesn't have a good path to win it.
  6. This was posted a couple pages back. @Storm the Field had a pretty good explanation of the data and why it seems closer compared to 2016.
  7. I really don't think so. This map could easily happen and I think it's Trump's best case scenario at this point:
  8. One positive from this game is Maxi seemed to find his shot again. We'll need him to have a good game Thursday to have a chance.
  9. We would still be getting our ass kicked with KP right now. If anything this makes me happy we didn’t play him.
  10. 58% shooting vs 35%. Yea that’s going to need to change quick.
  11. Not only that but he’s had some really bad turnovers. He’s just overthinking every time he touches the ball.
  12. I had to listen to the 4th quarter on the radio and it was an emotional roller coaster. We are witnessing the beginning of an all-time great. If he can just shoot 35% from deep, no record is safe.
  13. Yea, dude looked awful running on it and that’s with adrenaline. That things going to be a bitch tomorrow.
  14. Luka and KP were both in the game when I posted that...
  15. So we just going to let THJ Chuck us out of the game? Dude has been terrible and is taking every shot for us.
  16. It will be interesting to see if LAC commits KL and/or PG to guard Luka full time. I feel like that's going to be their best bad option but I still think the Mavs will screen out of those matchups. And even if that strategy slows Luka down, you've worn out your best offensive players and the Mavs still have other options capable of beating you. I think the balance of this series rests on THJ and Seth.
  17. Luka basically misses the whole 2nd half and we run away with it. Just like everyone planned it.
  18. Haha I didn’t mean to let them stroll to the hoop that easily. Oh well. You knew this was going to happen. Luka needs to get to the hole here and end this.
  19. I think you just guard the 3 and allow them to drive at this point. Maybe KP will get a block but you can’t let them get a run of 3s here.
  20. I shit talked him and he turned it around after that. I’ll keep up my part.
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