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Everything posted by LurkingHorn

  1. This is what I thought might happen. I really hope a lot isn't going to be wasted.
  2. Last I've read is you have SOME protection after 10 days. Still need the 2nd one to have "full" protection. Probably about 6-7 weeks total time.
  3. So are there really going to be no options to watch this season outside of national games and Dish? We're primed for an amazing season and of course nobody is going to be able to watch.
  4. All these people wanting to wait leads me to believe I can get this thing much quicker than March or April. Are they just going to let the vaccine go to waste waiting for someone who is “essential”?
  5. I also just want to point out how bad ass that shirt is.
  6. This whole shit show has made it obvious that the time between the election and inauguration needs to be shortened considerably. I would say at least 1 month needs to be shaved off the current time period. Just way too much time for an idiot to do damage.
  7. Come on GA, just get the two Dems in so a voting rights act can be passed and make this shit harder for the GOP to do going forward.
  8. Always the laugh I need to get me into the Christmas season. Greatness.
  9. Everyone is talking about the TCU fumble, but the play before was almost as bad. Dude got caught from behind when he could have housed it. I don't think I realized until that moment how slow he had gotten.
  10. 3k deaths? Nobody cares. Covid is old news.
  11. If we are even average at closing at games this season, we’re going to have 55 wins. Damn this is going to be fun.
  12. Agreed with others about the wait being unnecessary at this point. I think I brought this up in the other thread, but it seems like if they were doing a rolling review of the data then the approval should already be granted and people should be receiving vaccines right now. Two weeks can make a big difference in the number of lives saved. Very frustrating.
  13. About to climb even higher. Really glad people can go to bars, though.
  14. Wasn't sure where to put this, but I think I'd be a big fan of this move:
  15. Stupid question, but why are they waiting 2.5 weeks to have the advisory committee meet? Is that prep time or something? Seems like they would want to get this going ASAP.
  16. Really hard for me to think dp comes off the bench for an extended period of time after he comes back. If he's not starting it's either kp or maxi starting at the 5. Kp hates the 5 and he'll be limited big time in minutes. I'll be surprised if he plays 40 games. Maxi, we saw he's much much better when he's not being asked to play that position. If dwight is coming off the bench after he's back to game speed I think it's because we've gotten another guy (WCS?) Or he just won’t have the same explosiveness that made him effective before.
  17. gsoda said he would be starting. 12-15 minutes is way different.
  18. Color me skeptical that Dwight is going to be the same player. It's one thing for a player like Wes Matthews to come back from that injury because he wasn't overly-reliant on athleticism anyway, but Dwight was a great fit because he could sky for the Luka lobs. I just don't think that's going to be there like it was.
  19. I don't understand the cap ins-and-outs super well, but according to Spotrac the Mavs have about $10 million in space still. You have to think they could still create some more room with their $13 million in trade exceptions. I would bet the Mavs are not done here. You'd hate to see those exceptions expire with nothing done.
  20. Yep. It's an obvious comment, but history is not going to be kind to Trump. His kicking and screaming on the way out after getting his ass thoroughly kicked isn't going to do himself any political favors going forward--if he even cares about a political future.
  21. Chill, dude. A year from now this pandemic is going to be behind us after we have an adult in the White House who will actually put together a meaningful federal response. During the next year if a stimulus is passed, the virus is pretty much on its last legs on the home front, and the economy is recovering, Biden is going to get a lot of credit for that and there's not a damn thing the GOP and McConnell can do about it.
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