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Both Tacos

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Everything posted by Both Tacos

  1. He's tired of being free pizza. Great line. Stay Hard Danny Boy!!!!
  2. Buddy has been out a few times and getting into the reds.
  3. Po' man's food plot. I hope you at least used the seasoned sunflower seeds like pickle or bbq.
  4. My man, going hard in the paint.
  5. Looks like the damn frost this week got all my plants. This one is about the only "survivor".
  6. Someone say they need water????
  7. Helberg is closed Monday and Tuesday.
  8. I just noticed that the new 7-11 on 380 headed out of Princeton has a Laredo Taco in it. I'm from Harlingen so definitely will be hitting it up soon.
  9. The 2 times I went many years ago, it was good but nothing fantastic. Went on one of their all you can eat rib nights an was underwhelmed.
  10. Headed to Austin from Dallas for a conference in a few weeks. Traveling down on a Monday and want to stop along the way for a BBQ lunch. Being a Monday, a lot of places are closed. Suggestions on a place to stop that is convenient off 35.
  11. Both Tacos

    Dallas | BBQ

    Interesting that they open up a place close to Cattleack.
  12. Another season down. It was just the dog and myself this morning. Quick 30 minute limit of all drake GWT. Wasn't the worst season I've experienced but it's up there. Last 3 weeks saved it.
  13. Here piggies.....here piggies....
  14. Annual Buddy Hunt tradition continues. Have had better years for ducks but 10 guys in 2 blinds is always a hoot. Still had a decent hunt and cooked up some of the ducks from last weekend in kabobs on the camp fire.
  15. Of course, with only 2 weeks left of the duck season they decide to finally show up.
  16. My girl missed a spike this morning but still had a great time this weekend. She did fill the cooler with 2 deer yesterday. Any you guys would like to take your kid(s) on a deer/hog hunt on some very nice private ranches contact www.tyhp.org. The typical fee that goes to the organization is between $100-$150 for the weekend which not only includes the hunt but all meals and lodging. It was a beautiful morning. Haz the sads for leaving.
  17. Crazy evening hunt. Had a yearling come in a little before 5. Around 5:20 a doe comes walking in. Glassed it real good because lots of nubbin bucks around. Slick head, not dark on the hind legs. Kind of scrawny and two tone color. Told my girl to take it. Good shot, walks off 20 yards and piles up. Gather our stuff up and text our ride back to base camp. Walk up and the damn thing has balls. WTH??? Check it's head and two bumps but not covered by skin. Freaking thing had shed both it's antlers. He was malnourished, fur was two colors because it had already started changing. Biologist checked it's teeth back at camp and said it was a 2.5 year old. Testicles were small, no dark markings on hind legs, skin was thin and could see backbone. Questioned about it possibly being sick but when processing the meat was a good color and nothing odd about it. They are testing for CWD and other things on all the deer harvested so when I get results (about 4 weeks) I'll know for sure if anything is wrong. Back at it in the morning to see if she can go 3 for 3.
  18. On a Texas Youth Hunting Program hunt in Harper. Had 24 kids out this morning and the skinning rack was full afterward. Hell of a cold wind today.
  19. Both Tacos

    Dallas | BBQ

    Same. Not a big fan of his ribs. Like you,not going to turn them away but I don't put them as part of my order. Pork steaks are a huge bbq gathering meal in St. Louis where they are from so his recipe derives from there.
  20. Nice looking teal. Love shooting them this time of year.
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