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Both Tacos

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Everything posted by Both Tacos

  1. Both Tacos

    Dallas | BBQ

    Cattleack continues to knock it out of the park. Got there at 10:30 and was about the 10th person out the door. Probably a 30 minute line. When I left the line was past the sidewalk and out into the parking lot.
  2. I wouldn't exactly put Rough Creek into the "dude ranch" category.
  3. For tree fiddy a night, I better get some hoot n hollering. Actually believe it or not, that is on the low side of what these dude ranches charge for a family per day. Maybe I'll just take her to the local Walmart and let her ride that electric horse out front for $10 worth.
  4. I found their site but no pricing on the activities or what the costs are for other than their hotel rooms. Will need one of their cabins for the family unit. I send them an email to get more info.
  5. My middle daughter's birthday (11) is coming up and she loves horses and horse riding, so we thought we would take the family to some Dude Ranch. Hopefully close by. Only one I have ever been to was down in Bandera.
  6. So you don't have to stand in line if you just are getting something to go.
  7. Got the welded wires mesh panels, rather than a huge roll and made 9 large tomatoe cages. $5.50 at Lowes and some zip ties. If they grow taller than 5 ft., I can add another on top for more height. All my maters are indeterminate. For some reason I've never have had issues with birds but if that happens, I would pick them before they become bright red and let them ripen on the counter. Picture below sucks because it was right at dark, but I'll get another pic in the next day or two.
  8. Would love to have one of those to add to the collection.
  9. He's just the money, name and personality behind it. Doubt he could run it if he tried.
  10. Houston, we no longer have a problem.
  11. Been researching about "How to grow big tomatoes" and seems that I'm going to either go with staking them or I'm leaning toward using homemade very large and tall cages. Plus lots of pruning along the way.
  12. Why are we sourcing for a crowd?
  13. Along with the wristbands make sure all the coaches have headsets and call sign boards for formations. Use really odd pictures on the boards.
  14. Got the corn planted just before the hard rain started. When it got to a drizzle, I planted the rest of the plants I had. Figured, I was already wet, getting more wet wasn't going to matter and I wanted to get it finished today.
  15. Just let them shit. Not going to hurt, other than you possibly stepping in a fresh pile.
  16. Soil is all black clay. Had to bring in 1 1/2 yards of Covington's Premium bedding soil that has scale in it to help break it down, plus added cow manure. Going to side dress the corn with blood meal for more nitrogen. Figure that after a few seasons, I'll get the soil the way it needs to be. Going to try and use the Back to Eden method.
  17. Speaking of corn, I finally got around to bringing in some premium soil for the garden outside of the fence. This is going to be for corn and melons. I've got the soil prepped and straw put down. Ran out of energy and sun to get things planted. See what the rain brings tomorrow to see when I will get the plants in the soil.
  18. Let's see your smoker. I've had several styles of smokers over the years from the cheap Walmart buy to competition trailer. Currently I have 2 insulated vertical smokers. One from Lone Star Grillz and the other from Backyard Bombers. They both have the firebox in the bottom compartment to mix in chunks of wood on top of a bed of coals. Using the minion method seems to work best for stable temperatures. I've had my fair share of tending to a firebox all night, but this is more set it up and walk away for hours.
  19. You'll be lucky to get corn with a single row planting. They rely on rows and wind to pollinate.
  20. Good luck keeping it warm and moist for that long period of time after taking it off the smoker.
  21. Well mother tucker. Frost last night wiped out everything, including items I just planted yesterday. I hadn't looked at the weather forecast but knew that warmer weather was moving in. Didn't know about the frost warning last night or I would have thrown on a cover. Can't catch a break this year.
  22. Both Tacos

    Dallas | BBQ

    Cattleack, Pecan Lodge and Hutchins are all solid. If you want to take a Sat or Sun drive out east of Dallas, go to Smoke Sessions BBQ on Hwy. 66 just outside of Fate. He is located in a trailer in the parking lot of a local feed store. Owner is putting out some great que and if he was in a brick and mortar in Dallas I know he would be listed with those mentioned above.
  23. Craigslist or a trip to Mexico. Thought about possibly there is a used market? Come on, what about someone that dies that has a tit job. They aren't going to need them anymore. Gotta be a used market. If not, great business idea for Derka.
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